Event Calendar

Updates and additions to this page will be made throughout the year.


Saturday, August 5th, 2023: Washington D.C. Convention Center.
Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association. Washington D.C. Convention Center.
Saturday, August 5th, 2023.

2:00 PM – 2:50 PM

Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis is Invited Speaker by the International Division (Divn. 52)
Hosted by Dr. Carlos Zalaquett.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Around the World.

Washington DC, Convention Center, Level 1, Room 150B

Saturday, August 3rd, 2023: Washington, D.C.

Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association.
Washington D.C. Convention Center.

Thursday, August 3rd, 2023
Convention Center Level 1, Room 146c. 1pm EST.

"Debbie Joffe Ellis and Frank Farley in Conversation".

Dr. Frank Farley, former APA President, will interview Dr Joffe Ellis about "The Life and Legacy of Albert Ellis PhD", and more.

Thursday, August 3rd, 2023
4 - 4.50pm
Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis and Dr Stanley Krippner  present in the Division 32 (Humanistic Psychology) Hospitality Suite - Marriott Marquis.

Sponsored by Division 26, The Society for the History of Psychology.

Information: www.apa.org

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Saturday July 15th, 2023: New York and Around the Globe.

Virtual Event: The NYMHCA Institute Virtual Summer Summit.
Saturday July 15th - Sunday July 16th 2023.
Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis gives the Keynote Address
9am Eastern Standard Time.
Information about registration and more below.
Continuing Education Points Provided.

Saturday, June 15th, 2023: New York City.

 1.The Empowering and Pioneering Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.
Presentation at Cheiron Conference, June 15th- 18th, 2023.

Fordham University, NYC.

2. Speaking in a Panel on the History of Psychology in New York City,  with Dr. Harold Takooshian, Dr. Leonard Davidman, Dr Melissa Search.

Conference hosted by Cheiron, the Society for History of Behavioral Sciences.

Information: https://cheironsoc.org/2023-cheiron-conference/

Saturday, June 10th, 2023: Virtually and Around the Globe.

" The No-Nonsense, Scientific, Evidence Based and Deeply Compassionate Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy".

Keynote Address: 3pm EST.
Women for Sobriety Annual Conference (June 9th - 11th, 2023).

For Info & to Register: conf-programming@womenforsobriety.org

Friday, June 2nd, 2023: Denver, Colorado.

"Healthily and Gleefully Coping with Uncertainty and Change".
Presentation at the North American Society for Adlerian Psychology Annual Conference (

Date(s): June 2, 2023.
Time: 3.15pm - 4.45pm.

For Information and to Register: www.alfredadler.org

Thursday, March 16th, 2023: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

"The Power and Compassion of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy".
Workshop: 3-6pm EST.
Applied Clinical Psychology Department 
Penn State University, Harrisburg Campus, Pennsylvania.

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Saturday, December 10th, 2022: USA and Around the Globe Virtually.

Roundtable discussion in the International Council of Psychologists 80th Annual Conference Live at 2pm Eastern Standard Time.

Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis will talk about "Creating Calm and Stability During Times of Uncertainty".

If you have any questions, please contact: icpincinfo@gmail.com

ICP 2022 Organizing Committee


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November 23rd, 2022 - Radio Interview of Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis by Mayor Richard William Thomas on his radio program titled "What Happened Here"!

The interview will be for 30 minutes or so, starting at 12.15pm Eastern Standard Time.

There are three ways people can listen to the show live, call in with questions, or post comments on social media:

1. www.wvox.com (there is a listen live tab) 

2. www.instgram.com/richwthomas

3. https://www.youtube.com/@MayorRichardThomas/streams

The dial-in number is 914-636-0110 and listeners that desire to call in will be put through on the switchboard. 

More Information:

Richard William Thomas is a senior strategist, government, and communications leader who has worked closely with academia, economic development, energy, the environmental sector, and government. He has been a senior advisor for IBM, Microsoft, PWC, Crown CastleEntergy, Liberty Natural Gas, ARIS WIND and 10xBeta.

He has built collaborations with think-tanks at Harvard’s Kennedy School of GovernmentWorld Economic ForumNew York University and collaborated with numerous environmental organizations. Having previously served in the administration of New York Governor David A. Patterson, he was co-chair of the energy committee for the governor’s Hudson Valley Sustainability Energy Plan and with the Economic Development Leadership Council for the Business Council of Westchester.

Working for a cross section of business focused issues and causes, he has earned frequent publication of messaging and content on editorial and opinion pages, via meetings with editorial boards and leveraging the voice of influential stakeholders. Key media he has worked with include New York Times, Newsday, Journal News, New York Post, Albany Times Union, Crain’s New York Business, Newark Star Ledger, Westchester-Fairfield County Business Journal, Huffington Post, BET, TheGrioAmsterdam News, and The Daily Mail.

Richard earned a bachelor’s and Executive MBA from The Stern School of Business at NYU and completed studies at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government and the London School of Economics.

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Saturday November 19th, 2022: New York City. Workshop at the Annual ABCT Convention

The Empowering, Vigorous and Compassionate Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy".


Participants earn 1.5 continuing education credits

1) Attendees will learn, and/or have had reinforced, healthy attitudes, life-enhancing modes of thinking and helpful ways of behaving that enhance their everyday lives and prevent burn-out in
“Healer, Heal Thyself” mode ! 

2) Attendees will gain greater skills for more effectively helping others by way of modelling mindfuland enriching ways of living in addition to providing the effective REBT therapeutic tools and
techniques that will be taught.
3) Attendees are likely to feel empowered by knowing and applying the REBT ‘’how-to’s’’ of creating their emotional destinies when challenges arise. In-so-doing they can provide greater encouragement
and be models of stability for those they work with, and for those in their personal lives, despite and
including life’s hassles and difficulties.

Registration is now open for the ABCT 2022 Convention, held in person this November 17-20. ABCT encourages you to register by October 14 to receive the lowest rates.


Convention Schedule


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Wednesday-Friday, November 16th-18th, 2022: Global Virtual Presentation.

International Annual Congress of Clinical Psychology.
Applied Session by Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis:

"Using the Empowering and Compassionate Approach of REBT to Cope with Life's Uncertainty and Challenges".

For Information and to Register see ICCP's Website:

The International Congress of Clinical Psychology is an annual event that promotes the exchange of https://www.clinicalpsychologycongress.com

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Thursday, October 20th, 2022: Live at 8-9pm (USA Eastern standard time): USA and Virtually Around the Globe.

Presentation organized by Harvard Alumni for Mental Health.
"Empowering Our