Event Calendar

Updates and additions to this page will be made throughout the year.

Thursday, August 7th - Saturday August 9th, 2025: Denver, Colorado.

Presentations at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association.

For details: https://convention.apa.org or convention@apa.org

Presentations will include a Skill Building Session on REBT, on Cultural Applications of REBT, and Dr Joffe Ellis will be part of a panel giving tribute to the late Dr. Phil Zimbardo.

Wednesday July 30th - Friday August 1st, 2025: Charlston, South Carolina.

Presenting at the annual Low Country Mental Health Conference!

1. Wednesday, July 30th, 2025, PreConference Workshop on "Embracing Life's Challenges using REBT".

2. Friday, August 1st, 2025: Interview in Main Auditorium about the Work and Life of Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis, REBT - and more!

3. Book-Signing and Meet & Greet.

For details: www.lowcountrymhconference.com

Thursday, May 29th, 2025: Portland, Oregon.

Workshop at the Annual Conference of the North American Society of Adlerian Psychology (Wednesday May 28th- Sunday June 1st, 2025):

 " Joyfully using REBT for Connecting with the Porcupines in our Lives!"

For Information about the conference and the workshop contact NASAP at: info@alfredadler.org or (989)572-6854

Friday January 31st, 2025 - 12:30pm - 2.30pm EST - New York and Virtually.

Follow Up to "An Intensive Introduction to Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)" workshops that were presented by Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis, organized by the New York Mental Health Counseling Association (NYMHCA) Institute.

In this follow-up session: questions will be answered, specific clinical aspects will be reviewed, and a live demonstration presented.

CE Credit Hours provided.                                               

For Information and to Register Contact NYMHCA: 

Friday January 24th, 2025 - 10am - 2:30pm EST - New York and Virtually.

Workshop presented by
Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis, organized by the New York Mental Health Counseling Association (NYMHCA) Institute:
"An Intensive Introduction to Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)"

CE Credit Hours provided.

For Information and to Register Contact NYMHCA:

Looking Back - Past Events


Friday December 13th, 2024 -12.30 - 2.30pm EST - New York and Virtually.

Follow Up to "An Intensive Introduction to Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)" workshops that were presented by Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis, organized by the New York Mental Health Counseling Association (NYMHCA) Institute.

In this follow-up session: questions will be answered, specific clinical aspects will be reviewed, and a live demonstration presented.

CE Credit Hours provided.                                               

For Information and to Register Contact NYMHCA: 


Friday December 6th, 2024 - 10am - 2:30pm - New York and Virtually.

Workshop presented by
Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis, organized by the New York Mental Health Counseling Association (NYMHCA) Institute:
"An Intensive Introduction to Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)"

CE Credit Hours provided.

For Information and to Register Contact NYMHCA:

View Flyer


Friday November 1st, 2024, 10am - 1pm EST: New York and Virtually.

Workshop presented by Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis, organized by the New York Mental Health Counseling Association (NYMCHA) Institute: 

An Intensive Introduction to Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT).

10am - 1pm, Eastern Standard Time.

CE Credit Hours provided.

For Information and to Register Contact NYMHCA:



Wednesday October 16th, 2024 5pm Eastern time USA: virtually around the USA and in countries across the globe.

Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis being interviewed on "It's Your Life" Podcast by Dr James JC Cooley and Dr Michael Mantell
The show is Live, 
5pm Eastern time USA; Primetime, and Syndicated simulcast airing five days a week on The Answer San Diego Radio.

The Show is also Live on e360tv and over 68 Live Streaming platforms that include Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Roku, Apple TV, and other streaming networks which can be seen and heard in over 170 countries.


Saturday, August 10th, 2024: Seattle, WA, 3 - 4pm.

American Psychological Association Annual Convention.

Skill Building Session: "Coping with Global Trauma and Uncertainty in 2024 and Beyond: The Power, and Effectiveness of REBT"

Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis with Dr. Carlos Zalaquett (Chair and Moderator).


Wednesday July 24th - Friday July 26th, 2024: Charleston, S.C.

Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis will be giving Keynote Presentation, and Book Signing.

The Lowcountry MH Conference.

Gaillard Performance Center, Charleston, S.C.

For Times and Other Information: www.lowcountrymhconference.com


Tuesday, July 16th, 2024: Virtually around the USA.

Webinar Presentation by Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis.

"How to Hug a Porcupine: Inner and Outer!".

1pm Central Time (US and Canada).

The Importance, and How-To's, of creating and maintaining unconditional acceptance of ourselves and others.

Organized by RAILS Libraries.

For information contact Margae Schmidt: margae.schmidt@railslibraries.info



Friday, June 7th, 2024: Orlando, Florida.

Presentation and Live REBT Demonstration by Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis.

11am - 12.15pm.

North American Society of Adlerian Psychology (NASAP) Annual Conference: 

Thursday June 6th - Sunday June 9th.

For Information: www.alfredadler.org


Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024: New York City. 7- 8.45pm. Location TBA.

Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis will speak on: "Navigating Uncertainty - and the benefits of Life Affirming statements".

Following that, the founders of Presently Bracelets, a mindfulness jewelry brand, will present.

For information and registration contact: 

Club Rewire event link: https://www.clubrewire.com/event-tickets/p/stamped-bracelet-experience



Tuesday May 7th, 2024: Oregon and Virtually around the US.

Presentation on ''Creating Our Healthy Emotional Destinies!''

Southwestern Oregon Community College, however others welcome.

In Person: 5-6pm Pacific Standard time, in the Eden Hall Lecture Room.

For information about attending in person or virtually visit:



Friday April 12th - Sunday April 14th, 2024: Albany, NY.

Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis will give (i) a 3 hour CE Workshop, and give (ii) the Featured Speaker Address.

Location: Marriott Albany Hotel, Albany NY:

NYMHCA Annual Convention: "New York State of Mind: Celebrating the Mental Health Care Community".

For Information: Call 1-800-4-NYMHCA or see the NYMHCA Website.


Thursday, February 15th, 2024: New York City, NY.

Flanders House 
New York Times Building, NYC.

10 a.m. EST.

Presentation on "The Profoundly Effective, Unique and Compassionate Approach of REBT".

Arranged by Vives University of Applied Sciences: Kortrijk, Belgium.


Thursday, January 18th, 2024: Virtual Lecture.

"The Power and Compassion of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy ''.

7pm - 9pm - EST.

Continuing Education Presentation by Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis.

Sponsored by Westchester Center for Psychological Education and Westchester County Psychological Association Special Interest Division.

For Information contact WCPA : Ph.: (914) 246 8816 

or via their Website: www.westchesterpsych.org



Saturday, August 5th, 2023: Washington D.C. Convention Center.

Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association. Washington D.C. Convention Center.
Saturday, August 5th, 2023.

2:00 PM – 2:50 PM

Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis is Invited Speaker by the International Division (Divn. 52)
Hosted by Dr. Carlos Zalaquett.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Around the World.

Washington DC, Convention Center, Level 1, Room 150B


Saturday, August 3rd, 2023: Washington, D.C.

Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association.
Washington D.C. Convention Center.

Thursday, August 3rd, 2023
Convention Center Level 1, Room 146c. 1pm EST.

"Debbie Joffe Ellis and Frank Farley in Conversation".

Dr. Frank Farley, former APA President, will interview Dr Joffe Ellis about "The Life and Legacy of Albert Ellis PhD", and more.

Thursday, August 3rd, 2023
4 - 4.50pm
Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis and Dr Stanley Krippner  present in the Division 32 (Humanistic Psychology) Hospitality Suite - Marriott Marquis.

Sponsored by Division 26, The Society for the History of Psychology.

Information: www.apa.org



Saturday July 15th, 2023: New York and Around the Globe.

Virtual Event: The NYMHCA Institute Virtual Summer Summit.
Saturday July 15th - Sunday July 16th 2023.
Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis gives the Keynote Address
9am Eastern Standard Time.
Information about registration and more below.
Continuing Education Points Provided.


Saturday, June 15th, 2023: New York City.

 1.The Empowering and Pioneering Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.
Presentation at Cheiron Conference, June 15th- 18th, 2023.

Fordham University, NYC.

2. Speaking in a Panel on the History of Psychology in New York City,  with Dr. Harold Takooshian, Dr. Leonard Davidman, Dr Melissa Search.

Conference hosted by Cheiron, the Society for History of Behavioral Sciences.

Information: https://cheironsoc.org/2023-cheiron-conference/


Saturday, June 10th, 2023: Virtually and Around the Globe.

" The No-Nonsense, Scientific, Evidence Based and Deeply Compassionate Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy".

Keynote Address: 3pm EST.
Women for Sobriety Annual Conference (June 9th - 11th, 2023).

For Info & to Register: conf-programming@womenforsobriety.org


Friday, June 2nd, 2023: Denver, Colorado.

"Healthily and Gleefully Coping with Uncertainty and Change".
Presentation at the North American Society for Adlerian Psychology Annual Conference (

Date(s): June 2, 2023.
Time: 3.15pm - 4.45pm.

For Information and to Register: www.alfredadler.org


Thursday, March 16th, 2023: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

"The Power and Compassion of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy".
Workshop: 3-6pm EST.
Applied Clinical Psychology Department 
Penn State University, Harrisburg Campus, Pennsylvania.


Saturday, December 10th, 2022: USA and Around the Globe Virtually.

Roundtable discussion in the International Council of Psychologists 80th Annual Conference Live at 2pm Eastern Standard Time.

Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis will talk about "Creating Calm and Stability During Times of Uncertainty".

If you have any questions, please contact: icpincinfo@gmail.com

ICP 2022 Organizing Committee



November 23rd, 2022 - Radio Interview of Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis by Mayor Richard William Thomas on his radio program titled "What Happened Here"!

The interview will be for 30 minutes or so, starting at 12.15pm Eastern Standard Time.

There are three ways people can listen to the show live, call in with questions, or post comments on social media:

1. www.wvox.com (there is a listen live tab) 

2. www.instgram.com/richwthomas

3. https://www.youtube.com/@MayorRichardThomas/streams

The dial-in number is 914-636-0110 and listeners that desire to call in will be put through on the switchboard. 

More Information:

Richard William Thomas is a senior strategist, government, and communications leader who has worked closely with academia, economic development, energy, the environmental sector, and government. He has been a senior advisor for IBM, Microsoft, PWC, Crown CastleEntergy, Liberty Natural Gas, ARIS WIND and 10xBeta.

He has built collaborations with think-tanks at Harvard’s Kennedy School of GovernmentWorld Economic ForumNew York University and collaborated with numerous environmental organizations. Having previously served in the administration of New York Governor David A. Patterson, he was co-chair of the energy committee for the governor’s Hudson Valley Sustainability Energy Plan and with the Economic Development Leadership Council for the Business Council of Westchester.

Working for a cross section of business focused issues and causes, he has earned frequent publication of messaging and content on editorial and opinion pages, via meetings with editorial boards and leveraging the voice of influential stakeholders. Key media he has worked with include New York Times, Newsday, Journal News, New York Post, Albany Times Union, Crain’s New York Business, Newark Star Ledger, Westchester-Fairfield County Business Journal, Huffington Post, BET, TheGrioAmsterdam News, and The Daily Mail.

Richard earned a bachelor’s and Executive MBA from The Stern School of Business at NYU and completed studies at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government and the London School of Economics.


Saturday November 19th, 2022: New York City. Workshop at the Annual ABCT Convention

The Empowering, Vigorous and Compassionate Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy".


Participants earn 1.5 continuing education credits

1) Attendees will learn, and/or have had reinforced, healthy attitudes, life-enhancing modes of thinking and helpful ways of behaving that enhance their everyday lives and prevent burn-out in
“Healer, Heal Thyself” mode ! 

2) Attendees will gain greater skills for more effectively helping others by way of modelling mindfuland enriching ways of living in addition to providing the effective REBT therapeutic tools and
techniques that will be taught.
3) Attendees are likely to feel empowered by knowing and applying the REBT ‘’how-to’s’’ of creating their emotional destinies when challenges arise. In-so-doing they can provide greater encouragement
and be models of stability for those they work with, and for those in their personal lives, despite and
including life’s hassles and difficulties.

Registration is now open for the ABCT 2022 Convention, held in person this November 17-20. ABCT encourages you to register by October 14 to receive the lowest rates.



Wednesday-Friday, November 16th-18th, 2022: Global Virtual Presentation.

International Annual Congress of Clinical Psychology.
Applied Session by Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis:

"Using the Empowering and Compassionate Approach of REBT to Cope with Life's Uncertainty and Challenges".

For Information and to Register see ICCP's Website:

The International Congress of Clinical Psychology is an annual event that promotes the exchange of https://www.clinicalpsychologycongress.com


Thursday, October 20th, 2022: Live at 8-9pm (USA Eastern standard time): USA and Virtually Around the Globe.

Presentation organized by Harvard Alumni for Mental Health.
"Empowering Ourselves to Cope with Debilitating Emotions".
No charge, however registration is required - please here to REGISTER.

People who cannot attend at the time of presentation can view the session on the website of HarvardAlumniMH.org/EVENTS



Friday, September 30th - Saturday, October 1st, 2022: Virtually in India and Around the Globe.

Master Classes.

8-9.30pm each day: Indian Standard Time - please adjust the times if you are in other countries, as these sessions are Live!

For information and to register: see flyer.



Thursday, September 15th- Saturday, September 18th, 2022: Virtually in India and Around the Globe.

Advanced Level REBT Training, including presentations, live demonstration and Q & A.

8-9.30pm each day: Indian Standard Time - please adjust the times if you are in other countries, as these sessions are Live!

For information and to register: see flyer.



Thursday, September 8th- Saturday, September 10th, 2022: Virtually in India and Around the Globe.

Basic Level REBT Training, including presentations, live demonstration and Q & A.

8-9.30pm each day: Indian Standard Time - please adjust the times if you are in other countries, as these sessions are Live!

For information and to register: see flyer.



Saturday, August 6th, 2022: Minneapolis and Virtually Around the Globe.

Annual American Psychological Association Convention.

Symposium Session; " Psychotherapy Booster Shots and the Role of Media".

9.00-10.00am CST

Participants: Dr Stanley Krippner, Dr Krishna Kumar (Chair), Dr Frank Farley (Discussant) and Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis

Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis will be speaking on:

" Vaccinating against Irrationality and Creating Lasting Immunity Against Misery Using REBT!"

Dr. Stanley Krippner will be talking on:

"Hot Media, Cool Media, and Evaluating Information About the Pandemic".

For Information about the Convention and how to register, please see the APA Website.



Thursday July 21st, 2022: Chile and Virtually Around the Globe. 9-10am (EST)

Keynote Presentation by Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis on 

"Rationally, Passionately and Compassionately Dealing with Uncertainty in Times of Challenge and Change".

Conference of the "Sociedad Interamerican de Psicología".

For Information: 

Professor Mauricio Garrido Vasquez: mauriciogarrido@udec.cl


Saturday June 11th, 2022 (9am-1030am Malaysia time) Sunday June 12th, 2022 (9-11am Malaysia time):

Malaysia and Around the Globe: Virtual Event.

"REBT: The Compassionate and Empowering Cognitive Approach"

REBT Training with E-Certificate provided on completion.

Click to View Flyer.

Open to all health professionals from any location in the world (NB: Adjust the start times according to your time zones!).

For Registration: tinyurl.com/thoughtfull-REBT



Saturday May 28th 2022: Virginia, USA and Around the Globe Virtually

Symposium of Presentation on "Dealing with Grief" with Dr Tim Hartshorne and Teal Maedel.

2.15-3.45pm EST.

At Annual Convention of North American Society of Adlerian Psychology.

For info please see:



Friday May 27th 2022: Virginia, USA and Around the Globe Virtually.

Presentation on "Creating Stability, Love and Compassion through the Wisdom of REBT, Ellis and Adler"

Live Demonstration included.

3-4.30pm EST.

At Annual Convention of North American Society of Adlerian Psychology.

For info please see:



Thursday, February 10th, 2022: Malaysia and Around the Globe.

Sunway University Press Forum Series.

All Welcome - Psychologists, Academics, Students and Members of the General Public.

Free of Charge.

9-10.30am Malaysia time.

Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis (Columbia University) joins host Dr Alvin Ng Lai Oon and eminent psychologists 

  • Dr Eugene Tee (Author/HELP University)
  • Prof Freedom Leung (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
  • A/Prof Lin Mei-Hua (Sunway University)

 on Panel to discuss topic - "The Science of Feelings".

For Information about the Forums and to Register please contact:

Dr Alvin Ng Lai Oon: alvinn@sunway.edu.my

Nicholas Hoe Kai-Ji: nicholash@sunway.edu.my


Tuesday Feb. 8th, Wednesday Feb. 9th 2022: UK, USA and Around the Globe.

REBT Training: The Catastrophizing Cure: The Compassionate, Empowering, Pioneering Cognitive Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.

Live, and On Demand.

2-5pm: New York and EST USA

7-10pm: United Kingdom

Organized by Essential Therapy Trainings.

CPD and CE Credits available.

Information about the Course in Link:


For further information:

Email: admin@essentialtherapytraining.com 

Phone (UK): 01491571737


Mondays, 7.30-9pm (EST) January 24th, January 31st, February 7th, March 7th, March 14th, March 21st 2022: USA and Around the Globe.

Seton Hall REBT Certificate Program : Series of 6 Sessions

Students, Psychologists, Counselors and Members of the General Public Welcome to Register!

Continuing Education Points for those eligible to receive them.

For information about the Program and how to register please open link:


Further enquiries can be made to Dr. Tom Massarelli: Thomas.Massarelli@shu.edu


Saturday November 13th and Saturday November 20th, 2021

Malaysia and Around the Globe (Virtually).

10am till 12 Noon (Malaysian time).

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT):
Theory and Practice'' Workshops.

Presented by Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis.

Please note that attendees from around the Globe are welcome, and are reminded to adjust the Malaysian given start times to the times in their time zones. In addition to the REBT material shared, live demonstrations will be given along with the opportunity to ask questions.

For inquiries contact: administrator@psima.org

For more information and to register please click here to see flyer attached.


Saturday October 16th, 2021: India and Around the Globe (Virtually)

6.30 - 7.30pm (Indian Standard Time).
9 - 10am (Eastern Standard Time - USA).

Lecture and Q & A's with Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis
on Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.

Organized by "MindandThoughts"

For information contact: Surhbi Khandelwal
Email: mindandthoughts2020@gmail.com


Tuesday/Wednesday October 12th/13th, 2021: Virtual Presentations India and Around the Globe.

Presentation by Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis on:

" Applying the Principles of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy" during this 'New Normal' in order to Live a Better Life!"

Day 5 of Presentations by Eminent Speakers in Honor of Mental Health Day:
12th October 2021, 10.30 pm, USA Eastern Standard Time
13th October 2021, 8 am, Indian Standard Time.

For more queries - +918943216964
Mail id : psychology@lissah.com

Registration link 

Please see attached flyer for details about the full program:



Thursday October 7th. 2021: Virtually Throughout the USA and Around the Globe.

North American Society of Adlerian Psychology (NASAP) have assembled a one hour professional development panel: Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis in Panel Discussion on Theoretical Orientation along with Eminent Speakers Drs Jennifer and Dan Williamson, Dr Marina Blushtein, Dr Hallie Williams, Dr Terry Kottman and Dr John Sommers-Flanagan. 7pm Central Time USA. CE credits are available. For more information including Zoom link, please email nasaptrt@gmail.com.


Tuesday July 28th - Saturday July 31st, 2021: India and Virtually Around the Globe.

Four Day Training in Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy with Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis.

Organized by "Mental Health Action for People Organization India".

Please see flyer and video in 2 links below for information:




Monday July 5th - Wednesday July 7th, 2021: Malaysia and Around the Globe (Virtual Event - Free Online Event !)

"Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy: History, Impact on CBT, and Relevance during the Covid Pandemic":

Prime Time Session by Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis at the Asian Cognitive Behavior Therapy 2021 Convention.

8.30am (New York Time): Monday July 5th, 2021.

Full Conference runs from July 5th - 7th, 2021: Free of Charge but registering is necessary.

For Information and Easy Registration: acbta.org

Queries - Email: acbtc2021@gmail.com


Friday, June 25th, 2021: Westchester, New York.

"The Catastrophizing Cure: The Compassionate and Empowering Pioneering Cognitive Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy".

Continuing Education Workshop organized by the Westchester Psychology Association

Presented by Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis.

Friday, June 25th, 2021.

2-4pm (EST).

For Information: Email Dr Ilana Rosenberg (President of WCPA): ilana@ilanarosenberg.com


Saturday, June 19th, 2021: Malaysia and Around the Globe (Virtual).

"Providing Hope, Compassion, Optimism and Practical Tools for Uncertain Times with the Pioneering Cognitive Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy".

Keynote address at the Malaysian International Psychology Conference by Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis.

Saturday June 19th. 2012: 11am - 12pm (Malaysian Time).

Conference Information at https://mipc2021.psima.org.my/


Saturday, May 29th, 2021: Milwaukee and Virtual Event Around the Globe.

Moving Heart, Mind and Spirit with the Wisdom and Compassion of Adler
and Ellis !

Presentation by Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis at the Annual Conference of the North American Society of Adlerian Psychology (NASAP).

Conference theme is Social Justice:  Community Healing Through Movement.

Saturday May 29th, 2021 12.30 - 2pm (Milwaukee Time).

Conference Dates: May 27th - 30th, 2021.

For Information Contact: Katie Hilley, NASAP Administrator, at office.nasap@gmail.com
or Susan Belangee, Executive Director, at susanbelangee.nasap@gmail.com


Friday, May 28th, 2021: India and Around the Globe (Virtual!).

"Keeping the Heart of Clinical Psychology Alive Now and During Innovation Frontiers Ahead: The Briilliance of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy."

Keynote Address by Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis.

10 a.m. Indian Standard Time - Friday, May 28th, 2021.

47th National Annual Conference of the Indian Association of Clinical Psychologists.

For Details about the Conference and Registration: www.47naciacp2021.in


Saturday, May 15th. 2021: Rome, Italy and Around the Globe (Virtual Event).

The Remarkable Life of Albert Ellis and His Heralding the Cognitive Revolution in Psychotherapy with his Passionate and Compassionate Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.

Keynote Address by Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis at the 10th International Congress of Cognitive Psychotherapy (ICCP).

6.30-7.15pm (Time in Rome), Saturday May 15th, 2021.

The ICCP 2021 - Dates May 13th - 15th, 2021- will be the First Virtual International Congress of Cognitive Psychotherapy!

We are determined to use every advantage that technology can offer to us to work and get together in safety even if we are not able to meet in person.

You can now find the updated programme and register within January in order to benefit from the early bird rate. Join us to gain a new perspective on the science of CBT and its clinical practice!

For Information: iccp2021@fedracongressi.com


Tuesday April 2nd, 2021: U.S.A. and Around the Globe.

Three Part Virtual Series on ''Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy'' with Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis.

Organized by Seton Hall University.

Free of Charge, CEU's Available for Eductional and Psychology Professionals!

Please click on this link for more information: 


To register and learn more contact: Lucy Vazquez (973) 761 9451 or luz.vazquez@shu.edu

THE SERIES: Each program includes a presentation by Dr. Joffe Ellis on a different REBT topic,

followed by a live demonstration applying the REBT approach with an audience volunteer, concluding with a Q&A.




Tuesday, April 20, 6 – 7:30 p.m.(EST) REBT FOR GROUPS, COUPLES AND FAMILIES.


Friday, March 26th, 2021: Governors State University, Illinois (Virtual Event).

The Empowering, Compassionate and Passionate Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy: Part 2.

Workshop with Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis, presenting tools and techniques of REBT, Pivotal Elements of REBT Sessions, Unique Qualities of REBT, History and Development of REBT, Live Demonstration and Q & A !

7 - 9pm (EST).

?No charge, but registration is necessary.

For Information Email: continuinged@govst.edu

or Amy Barsha: abarsha@govst.edu

or Shannon Dermer: sdermer@govst.edu


Tuesday March 23rd, 2021: U.S.A and Around the Globe.

Three Part Virtual Series on ''Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy'' with Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis.

Organized by Seton Hall University.

Free of Charge, CEU's Available for Eductional and Psychology Professionals!

To register and learn more contact: Lucy Vazquez (973) 761 9451 or luz.vazquez@shu.edu

Please click on this link for more information: 


THE SERIES: Each program includes a presentation by Dr. Joffe Ellis on a different REBT topic,

followed by a live demonstration applying the REBT approach with an audience volunteer, concluding with a Q&A.




Tuesday, April 20, 6 – 7:30 p.m.(EST) REBT FOR GROUPS, COUPLES AND FAMILIES.


Tuesdays - March 2nd, March 23rd, April 20th, 2021: U.S.A. and Around the Globe.

Three Part Virtual Series on ''Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy'' with Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis.

Organized by Seton Hall University.

Free of Charge, CEU's Available for Eductional and Psychology Professionals!

Please click on this link for more information: 


To register and learn more contact: Lucy Vazquez (973) 761 9451 or luz.vazquez@shu.edu

THE SERIES: Each program includes a presentation by Dr. Joffe Ellis on a different REBT topic,

followed by a live demonstration applying the REBT approach with an audience volunteer, concluding with a Q&A.




Tuesday, April 20, 6 – 7:30 p.m.(EST) REBT FOR GROUPS, COUPLES AND FAMILIES.


Thursday-Saturday, February 25th, 26th & 27th 2021: India and Virtually Around the Globe.

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Trainings with Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis : Advanced Level.

Topics include Basic and Pivotal Elements of REBT; REBT for Anxiety, Depression, Guilt, Shame, Rage, OCD, Perfectionism, BPD, Addictions; Relationship and Family Issues, and Working with Resistant Clients.

Live demonstrations and Q & A segments.

Organized by YourDost Academy.

For Information and Registration Contact: learn@yourdost.com or Text: +91 96200 84251


Friday, February 19th, 2021: Governors State University, Illinois (Virtual Event).

The Empowering, Compassionate and Passionate Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.

Workshop with Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis.

7 - 9pm (EST).

For Information: Dr Shannon Derner, Psychology Department.


Wednesday, Thursday & Saturday February 17th, 18th & 20th, 2021: India and Virtually Around the Globe.

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Trainings with Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis : Advanced Level.

Topics include Basic and Pivotal Elements of REBT; REBT for Anxiety, Depression, Guilt, Shame, Rage, OCD, Perfectionism, BPD, Addictions; Relationship and Family Issues, and Working with Resistant Clients.

Live demonstrations and Q & A segments.

Organized by YourDost Academy.

For Information and Registration Contact: learn@yourdost.com or Text: +91 96200 84251


Thursday - Saturday, February 11th - 13th, 2021: India and Virtually Around the Globe.

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Trainings with Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis : Basic Level.

Training in the basic tenets, unique elements and pivotal elements of REBT therapeutic sessions.

Live demonstrations and Q & A segments.

Organized by YourDost Academy.

For Information and Registration Contact: learn@yourdost.com or Text: +91 96200 84251

Advanced Trainings: Feb 17th, 18th, 20th, 25th, 26th, 27th.


Wednesday, February 10th, 2021: USA and Around the Globe (Virtual Event).

"The Catastrophizing Cure !"

Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis will share the “How-Tos” of thinking in healthy, rational ways during tough times in order to create healthy emotions and help those around us achieve greater equanimity too - no matter how dire the circumstances.

Presentation for "Courage and Coffee" Discussion Series.

Wednesday, February 10th from 12.30 till 1.30 EST

Virtual Meeting, Registration is Free at www.TheDaringVenture.com

Information:  https://lnkd.in/ee5df3x


Thursday November 19th, 2020: Throughout the USA and All Around the Globe

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy - The Compassionate and Pioneering Cognitive Approach !

2-hour LIVE CE webinar, 2.30pm Eastern Standard Time

The basic principles, philosophy, and therapeutic techniques of REBT will be presented along with a live demonstration followed by Q & A

2 CE credit hours provided for professionals.

Registration information: from Good Therapy: goodtherapy.org


Saturday, November 14th, 2020: Virtual Conference in the USA and Across the Globe

Keynote Address (Noon till 2pm, EST) by Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis: ''The Compassionate and Passionate Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy: Removing stress, depression and catastrophization!''

At the Annual Conference (8am - 3pm) of the Mid-Atlantic Adlerina Psychology Society partnering with Student Adlerian Society.

The Conference Theme is " Understanding Stress and Depression Through the 5 Tasks".

For Information on the Conference and  Registration - Contact : sasbowiestate@gmail.com


Thursday October 29th, 2020: Virtual Event - USA and around the Globe

Five Part Virtual Series: "Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy"

Presented by Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis,

Organized by Seton Hall University, Dr Andy Simon and Dr Tom Massarelli.

These virtual events are free.

People in the helping professions and members of the general public are all welcome!

Dates: Oct. 29th, Nov. 5th, Nov.17th; Dec. 3rd; Dec. 8th, 2020.

Time: 6-7.30pm EST.

1.5 hours CEU for Education and Psychology professionals.

To register or learn more - contact Lucy Vazquez luz.vazquez@shu.edu or see shu.edu/REBT2020


Saturday, October 10th - Saturday December 19th, 2020: China and USA

Unique Course in Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT).

This 10 week Course, delivered by Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis, and translated by Dr. Jeremy Zhu, will provide 5 sessions covering the basics of REBT followed by 5 Sessions in which Dr Joffe Ellis demonstrates the approach.

For Information Contact: Dr Jeremy Zhu: caifangzhu@hotmail.com


Sunday, September 27th, 2020: Livestream Event throughout the USA and Across the Globe: 2pm Eastern Standard Time, 11am Pacific Time.

A Free Livestream Q & A Special Event with Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis.

On Sunday, September 27th, 2020, Jeffrey Mishlove, Founder and Reknowned Interviewer on the New Thinking Allowed Website and Channel, will be hosting a YouTube Live Stream event with Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis.

Those who cannot attend live (at USA 2pm EST; 1pm CT; 12pm MT; 11am PT) will be able to view the event after that date on the New Thinking Allowed YouTube Channel.

This date will be the 107th Anniversary of the birth of her late husband Albert Ellis PhD: the Founder of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy who heralded in the Cognitive Revolution in Psychotherapy, and one of the most influential psychologists of the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries.

For Information and the Link for attending this Special Event visit the New Thinking Allowed Website.


Thursday, 2nd. July, 2020: Australia.

Live From New York: "The Pioneering, Passionate and Compassionate Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy" !

Presented by Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis MAPS.

Webinar Series of 5 Presentations for the Australian Psychological Society (APS).

Webinar 5: Pivotal Aspects of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, And Challenges that Practitioners Face.

12.00- 1.30pm Australian Eastern Standard Time.

For Information Contact - APS Institute: Phone - 03 8662 3300.

Continuing Personal Development Hours Provided.


Thursday, June 25th, 2020: Australia.

Live From New York: "The Pioneering, Passionate and Compassionate Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy" !

Presented by Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis MAPS.

Webinar Series of 5 Presentations for the Australian Psychological Society (APS).

Webinar 4: Transforming and Healing Debilitating Emotions and Conditions, Multicultural Considerations and REBT's Effective Application to Individuals, Groups, Couples and Others.

12.00- 1.30pm Australian Eastern Standard Time.

For Information Contact - APS Institute: Phone - 03 8662 3300.

Continuing Personal Development Hours Provided.


Thursday, June 18th, 2020: USA and Around the Globe.

The Evidence Based, Compassion-Imbued Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT).

  Coping with Stress and Anxiety.

Presentation for Clinton Global Initiative University.

4pm - 5.15pm EST.


Thursday, June 18th, 2020: Australia.

Live From New York: "The Pioneering, Passionate and Compassionate Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy" !

Presented by Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis MAPS.

Webinar Series of 5 Presentations for the Australian Psychological Society (APS).

Webinar 3: The Tools and Techniques of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.

12.00- 1.30pm Australian Eastern Standard Time.

For Information Contact - APS Institute: Phone - 03 8662 3300.

Continuing Personal Development Hours Provided.


Thursday, June 11th, 2020: Australia.

Live From New York: "The Pioneering, Passionate and Compassionate Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy" !

Presented by Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis MAPS.

Webinar Series of 5 Presentations for the Australian Psychological Society (APS).

Webinar 2: History, Development and Unique Aspects of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.

12.00- 1.30pm Australian Eastern Standard Time.

For Information Contact - APS Institute: Phone - 03 8662 3300.

Continuing Personal Development Hours Provided.


Thursday, June 4th, 2020: Australia.

Live From New York: "The Pioneering, Passionate and Compassionate Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy" !

Presented by Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis MAPS.

Webinar Series of 5 Presentations for the Australian Psychological Society (APS).

Webinar 1: Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Basics.

12.00- 1.30pm Australian Eastern Standard Time.

For Information Contact - APS Institute: Phone - 03 8662 3300.

Continuing Personal Development Hours Provided.


Friday, May 29th, 2020: Throughout the USA and Across the Globe.

"Healing, Strengthening, and Upliftment: Witnessing the Humanism of Adler and Ellis".

Presentation in the North American Society of Adlerian Psychology Annual (NASAP) Annual Conference (Virtual).

2 - 3pm EST.

For information: www.alfredadler.org




Friday May 22nd- Sunday May 24th, 2020: Throughout India.

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Workshops Hosted By YourDost Academy, India.

For Information and Registration contact Puneet Manuja: learn@yourdost.com or call +91 96200 84251


Wednesday, May 20th, 2020: South Orange, New Jersey.

"This presentation has been postponed due to the current CoVid19 situation, and will be rescheduled as soon as it becomes possible."

A Six-Part Series exploring the Passionate and Compassionate Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.

Presented by Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis.

6-7.30 pm.

Session Six: Pivotal Aspects of REBT Therapy Sessions: The Role of the Therapist, the Client, and Challenges for Advanced Practitioners.

Professionals in Education and Psychology, and Members of the General Public are Welcome !

Seton Hall Campus: Bethany Hall, Room A.

400 South Orange Avenue, South Orange, N.J.

$15 each session.

1.5 CEU for Education and Psychology Professionals.

For information and to RSVP contact:

Lucy Vazquez - vazquezlu@shu.edu      (973) 761 9451

Willie Yaylaci - willie.yaylaci@shu.edu   (973) 761 9484


Thursday, May 14th, 2020: Around the globe !

Free Webinar Series Offered by
International Council of Psychologists

Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis
will be leading a 3-part series on

"REBT and Coping with the COVID-19 Pandemic"

April 30 -- May 7 -- May 14
5:00PM -- 6:00PM (EDT)
Registration is required. Limit of 100 participants.

Each presentation will be recorded and made available on the ICP webpage (https://icpweb.org/icp-webinars/)

**Please post questions or concerns regarding any aspect of the pandemic for Dr. Joffe Ellis on the ICP webpage. We will do our best to make sure they are addressed, irrespective of whether you are able to take part in real-time.**

Dear Friend and Colleagues,
I hope you are all doing well, finding ways to stay safe and healthy. I'm pleased to announce that the International Council of Psychologists (ICP) wants to reach out to our communities and provide a service at this difficult time. As you'll see below, Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis has agreed to present 3 webinars on coping with the COVID-19 pandemic. There is no charge for these webinars but we are asking people to register for the events. We can only accept 100 people to each webinar. Please note that we will be recording each presentation and posting them on the ICP webpage within one day. No one need join in real time to get value from Dr. Joffe Ellis's expertise. The webinars will be archived and can be accessed by anyone without cost. Also, we're creating a space on the ICP webpage where people can post questions and concerns for Dr. Joffe Ellis. We'd like to get as many of these as possible before the presentations so we can discuss issues that seem most prevalent and are inclusive of those living across a range of circumstances.
Please join us and/or forward this announcement to your colleagues and friends. Thank you!
Andy Simon PhD


Thursday, May 7th, 2020: Around the globe !

Free Webinar Series Offered by
International Council of Psychologists

Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis
will be leading a 3-part series on

"REBT and Coping with the COVID-19 Pandemic"

April 30 -- May 7 -- May 14
5:00PM -- 6:00PM (EDT)
Registration is required. Limit of 100 participants.

Each presentation will be recorded and made available on the ICP webpage (https://icpweb.org/icp-webinars/)

**Please post questions or concerns regarding any aspect of the pandemic for Dr. Joffe Ellis on the ICP webpage. We will do our best to make sure they are addressed, irrespective of whether you are able to take part in real-time.**

Dear Friend and Colleagues,
I hope you are all doing well, finding ways to stay safe and healthy. I'm pleased to announce that the International Council of Psychologists (ICP) wants to reach out to our communities and provide a service at this difficult time. As you'll see below, Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis has agreed to present 3 webinars on coping with the COVID-19 pandemic. There is no charge for these webinars but we are asking people to register for the events. We can only accept 100 people to each webinar. Please note that we will be recording each presentation and posting them on the ICP webpage within one day. No one need join in real time to get value from Dr. Joffe Ellis's expertise. The webinars will be archived and can be accessed by anyone without cost. Also, we're creating a space on the ICP webpage where people can post questions and concerns for Dr. Joffe Ellis. We'd like to get as many of these as possible before the presentations so we can discuss issues that seem most prevalent and are inclusive of those living across a range of circumstances.
Please join us and/or forward this announcement to your colleagues and friends. Thank you!
Andy Simon PhD


Thursday, April 30th, 2020: Around the globe !

Free Webinar Series Offered by
International Council of Psychologists

Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis
will be leading a 3-part series on

"REBT and Coping with the COVID-19 Pandemic"

April 30 -- May 7 -- May 14 
5:00PM -- 6:00PM (EDT)
Registration is required. Limit of 100 participants.

Each presentation will be recorded and made available on the ICP webpage (https://icpweb.org/icp-webinars/)

**Please post questions or concerns regarding any aspect of the pandemic for Dr. Joffe Ellis on the ICP webpage. We will do our best to make sure they are addressed, irrespective of whether you are able to take part in real-time.**

Dear Friend and Colleagues,
I hope you are all doing well, finding ways to stay safe and healthy. I'm pleased to announce that the International Council of Psychologists (ICP) wants to reach out to our communities and provide a service at this difficult time. As you'll see below, Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis has agreed to present 3 webinars on coping with the COVID-19 pandemic. There is no charge for these webinars but we are asking people to register for the events. We can only accept 100 people to each webinar. Please note that we will be recording each presentation and posting them on the ICP webpage within one day. No one need join in real time to get value from Dr. Joffe Ellis's expertise. The webinars will be archived and can be accessed by anyone without cost. Also, we're creating a space on the ICP webpage where people can post questions and concerns for Dr. Joffe Ellis. We'd like to get as many of these as possible before the presentations so we can discuss issues that seem most prevalent and are inclusive of those living across a range of circumstances. 
Please join us and/or forward this announcement to your colleagues and friends. Thank you!
Andy Simon PhD


Monday, April 20th, 2020: South Orange, New Jersey.

"This presentation has been postponed due to the current CoVid19 situation, and will be rescheduled as soon as it becomes possible."

A Six-Part Series exploring the Passionate and Compassionate Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.

Presented by Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis.

6-7.30 pm.

Session Five: REBT for Individuals, Couples, Children and Groups.

Professionals in Education and Psychology, and Members of the General Public are Welcome !

Seton Hall Campus: Bethany Hall, Room A.

400 South Orange Avenue, South Orange, N.J.

$15 each session.

1.5 CEU for Education and Psychology Professionals.

For information and to RSVP contact:

Lucy Vazquez - vazquezlu@shu.edu      (973) 761 9451

Willie Yaylaci - willie.yaylaci@shu.edu   (973) 761 9484


Tuesday, March 31st, 2020: South Orange, New Jersey.

"This presentation has been postponed due to the current CoVid19 situation, and will be rescheduled as soon as it becomes possible."

A Six-Part Series exploring the Passionate and Compassionate Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.

Presented by Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis.

6-7.30 pm.

Session Four: Transforming and Healing Anxiety, Depression, Suicidal Ideation and other Debilitating Emotions.

Professionals in Education and Psychology, and Members of the General Public are Welcome !

Seton Hall Campus: Bethany Hall, Room A.

400 South Orange Avenue, South Orange, N.J.

$15 each session.

1.5 CEU for Education and Psychology Professionals.

For information and to RSVP contact:

Lucy Vazquez - vazquezlu@shu.edu      (973) 761 9451

Willie Yaylaci - willie.yaylaci@shu.edu   (973) 761 9484


Monday, March 23rd, 2020: South Orange, New Jersey.

"This presentation has been postponed due to the current CoVid19 situation, and will be rescheduled as soon as it becomes possible."

A Six-Part Series exploring the Passionate and Compassionate Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.

Presented by Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis.

6-7.30 pm.

Session Three:  The Tools and Techniques of REBT.

Professionals in Education and Psychology, and Members of the General Public are Welcome !

Seton Hall Campus: Bethany Hall, Room A.

400 South Orange Avenue, South Orange, N.J.

$15 each session.

1.5 CEU for Education and Psychology Professionals.

For information and to RSVP contact:

Lucy Vazquez - vazquezlu@shu.edu      (973) 761 9451

Willie Yaylaci - willie.yaylaci@shu.edu   (973) 761 9484


Tuesday, March 17th, 2020: South Orange, New Jersey.

"This presentation has been postponed due to the current CoVid19 situation, and will be rescheduled as soon as it becomes possible."

A Six-Part Series exploring the Passionate and Compassionate Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.

Presented by Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis.

6-7.30 pm.

Session Two: The History, Development and Unique Elements of REBT.

Professionals in Education and Psychology, and Members of the General Public are Welcome !

Seton Hall Campus: Bethany Hall, Room A.

400 South Orange Avenue, South Orange, N.J.

$15 each session.

1.5 CEU for Education and Psychology Professionals.

For information and to RSVP contact:

Lucy Vazquez - vazquezlu@shu.edu      (973) 761 9451

Willie Yaylaci - willie.yaylaci@shu.edu   (973) 761 9484


Saturday/Sunday - March 7th/8th: China, USA and Across the Globe

Zoom talk for Chinese speaking people (and others!) about Remaining Calm during Times of Crisis.

This Sunday morning 10 am Beijing time, (in New York it will be 9pm on Saturday night) I will be speaking on Remaining Calm and Resilient during Times of Crisis, and answering questions after that.

I do not speak Chinese, so my English will be translated into Chinese.
Participating is free of charge.
So for any interested Chinese-speaking (non Chinese speaking people welcome too!!!) people who I send this to, and to any of you who know of people who might be interested in listening, below please find the link and the poster about the session and share the info with any others.
Wishing us all tranquility and calm within, despite and including any challenges without!
Warm thoughts to All !

The link of the Zoom meeting: (https://zoom.com.cn/j/657024458?pwd=WUs0aHMwMm5ic1RLZWFtVG4zamV5UT09  password?637746).


Monday, February 24th, 2020: South Orange, New Jersey.

A Six-Part Series exploring the Passionate and Compassionate Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.

Presented by Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis.


Session One: REBT Basics.

Professionals in Education and Psychology, and Members of the General Public are Welcome !

Seton Hall Campus: Bethany Hall, Room A.

400 South Orange Avenue, South Orange, N.J.

$15 each session.

1.5 CEU for Education and Psychology Professionals.

For information and to RSVP contact:

Lucy Vazquez - vazquezlu@shu.edu      (973) 761 9451

Willie Yaylaci - willie.yaylaci@shu.edu   (973) 761 9484


Friday October 17th - Sunday October 20th, 2019: Beijing, China.

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy: Empowering and Impactul Therapeutic Approach - and Way of Life !

Training Working in the Pioneering Cognitive Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT).


Tuesday, 15th October, 2019: Beijing, China

The Empowering Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.

Public Address: Beijing University.

6.30- 8.30pm.

For Information Contact Dr Jeremy Zhu: Founder and Director,

Beijing Clear-Orientation Center for Counseling and Meditation 
Website: www.mingxiangwh.com


Friday and Saturday: October 12th & 13th, 2019: Beijing, China.

International Congress on Grief Research and Intervention in China.

Organized by the Faculty of Psychology:Beijing Normal University.

Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis:

*** Presentation:


*** 3 Hour Workshop:



Sunday, August 11th, 2019: Chicago, IL.

Symposium at the American Psychological Annual Convention:

Understanding Fake News and Its Role in Creating Stress and Emotional Distress.

Speakers: Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis & Dr Stanley Krippner

Chair: Dr Krishna Kumar

Discussant: Dr Frank Farley.


Thursday, August 8th, 2019: Chicago, IL.

Presentation at the American Psychological Annual Convention Author Stage.

Convention Center Exhibition Hall, Thursday August 8th, 2019.

1.00 -2.00pm

Presentation and Book Signing.

Introducing the new edition of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy

by author Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis.


Thursday, June 13th, 2019: Rockville, MD.

JSSA Annual Mental Health Symposium: The Legacy of Albert Ellis and the Origin of Cognitive Therapies.

1. Keynote Address by Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis:

Keeping Bouyant, Steady and Empowered During Tumultuous Times !


2. Panel Discussion : Practical Applications of Different Cognitive Therapies.

10.30am - 12 pm.

3. CE Workshop with Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis.

The Empowering, Evidence Based and Compassionate Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.


For Information contact: Kiran Dixit,  Director | Training Institute - kdixit@jssa.org


Friday, May 31st, 2019: Tucson, Arizona.

Keeping Buoyant, Steady and Empowered During Tumultuous Times - Utilizing the Wisdom of Adler and Ellis.

Workshop at the Annual Conference of the North American Society of Alderian Psychology (NASAP) held May 30th to June 2nd, 2019.

Workshop and Live Demonstration.

For information see NASAP's Website: NASAP 2019 - North American Society of Adlerian Psychology


67 th NASAP Conference. Healing Our Communities Through Social Interest. Tucson, Arizona May 30-June 2, 2019.


Wednesday, May 15th, 2019: Brooklyn, N.Y.

The Powerful, Evidence-Based, Passionate and Compassionate Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.

Grand Rounds Presentation for Department of Psychiatry at Brookdale Hospital and Medical Center,

Brookdale, Brooklyn.


Information: Deborah Dwoskin - DDwoskin@bhmcny.org


Thursday, April 25th, 2019: New York City.

Creating Tranquility - Despite and Including Challenging Times.

Presentation at Brookdale, Battery Park City.


For Information:  Whitney Bryant Glandon, Program Director: whitney.glandon@brookdale.com


Sunday, March 24th, 2019: New York City.

The Origin and Current Status of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.

Presentation, Demonstration and Book Signing by Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis

Manhattan Psychological Association.

All welcome !

Discussant - Dr. Rochelle Balter.

Fordham University: 113 West 60th Street, New York City.

Room 1022.

12 noon till 1.30pm.


Friday, March 22nd, 2019: South Orange, New Jersey.

Preventing Anxiety with the Empowering, Evidence Based and Compassionate Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.

Presentation organized by Seton Hall University and the International Council of Psychologists.

Live In-Person, or via Streaming.

Lecture, Demonstration and Q and A's.

For Information contact Dr Andy Simon of the Psychology Dept, Seton Hall University.

March 22, 2019, 11am-1pm EST

Register at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ICP-Webinar


Monday, March 18th, 2019: West Palm Beach, Florida.

Workshop:The Compassionate and Empowering Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.

Center For Child Counseling:

Child and Family Center

Children's Services Council of Palm Beach County

2300 High Ridge Road

Boynton Beach, Florida 33426

10am – 4 pm

For Information Contact Dominika Nolan, MS, LMHC, NCC, CCMHC

Director, Institute for Clinical Training.

T: 561-244-9499 ext. 12




Saturday March 16th, 2019: Boca Raton, Florida.

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Workshop: The Power and the Passion of REBT.

Lynn University, Boca Raton.

9.30am - 12.30pm.

Registration Link: https://commerce.cashnet.com/lynn_emarket?itemcode=LM-CAS2

CE Credits provided.

For information contact: Abbigail Rinard - arinardga@lynn.edu


Thursday, February 14th. 2019: Las Vegas, Nevada.

The Passion and Compassion of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy !

University of Nevada.

Department of Counseling and Psychology.


Thursday, December 27th, 2018: New York City, New York.

The Holistic and Empowering Healing Elements of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy

Presentation at the Alternative Therapies and Well Being Event organized by AIF.

Studio 353, NYC.


Thursday, November 29th, 2018: Podcast: USA and Around The Globe !

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) as a NeoAdlerian Approach.

Learning about the main aspects of REBT; Exploring similarities and differences between it and Adlerian Psychotherapy, Q and A time !

TAP Talk on at 9pm est/ 8pm cst organized by North American Society of Adlerian Psychology.

No registration is required. CEs are available for a small fee.

Please contact TRT Chairs with any questions: Dr. Bengu Tekinalp (bengu.tekinalp@drake.edu) & Dr. Jennifer Nivin Williamson (drjwilliamson@gmail.com)

To join in the conversation, use the following log-in information:

Join via Zoom

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/956171316

Or iPhone one-tap : US: +16465588665,,956171316# or +16699006833,,956171316#

Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 646 558 8665 or +1 669 900 6833 Meeting ID: 956 171 316

International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/aep8M1UoFC


Thursday, November 8th, 2018: Las Vegas, Nevada.

Presentation: The Empowering and Compassionate Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.

University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

Psychology Department.

10am - 12.30pm.

Lecture, Live Demonstration, Q and A.


Thursday, October 25th, 2018: New York City.

Applying Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy for Enhancing Friendships and Relationships.

1.30pm - 4pm.

A.I. Foundation: Studio 353, New York City.


Tuesday, October 16th, 2018: Pennsylvania, PA.

The Passionate and Compassionate Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.

Presentation for Doctoral Students in Psychology at Penn State University.

11am - 12 noon (EST).


Friday, September 21st, 2018 - Sunday September 23rd, 2018: Puebla, Mexico

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy - 3 Day Workshop:

The Powerful and Compassionate Psychotherapeutic Approach and Way of Life and Living !

University of Transpersonal Psychology, Puebla, Mexico

September 21st - 23rd, 2018

Information: www.transpersonal.com.mx

Email: transpersonal.mexico@transpersonal.com.mx


Tuesday, September 11th, 2018: Australian Radio

Interview with Presenter Matt Stephens on ABC Broadcasting Radio Morning Program

9.10 a.m. Tuesday Sept 11th, 2018, South Australian time -

(7.40 p.m. Monday September 10th, 2018, Eastern Standard Time: USA).


Thursday, August 23rd, 2018: New York City.

Living With Uncertainty and Preventing Anxiety Using Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.

Presentation for the A.I. Foundation at Studion 353.

How to keep calm during stressful times !


Thursday, August 9th - Sunday August 12th, 2018: San Francisco, California.

Symposium: "Self-Care in the Seasons of a Psychology Career: Ethics and Best Practices".

American Psychological Association Annual Convention.

Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis speaking on: "Remembering We Are Human Too! - Rational Self Care".

Fellow presenters: Dr Brad Johnson, Dr Jeffrey Barnett, Dr Gerry Corey, Dr Erin Ayala.

This symposium focuses on self-care throughout the career span, providing practical recommendations and strategies for psychologists at different phases of their career, from early career to late career in an ethics-focused, interactive format.


Thursday, June 28th, 2018: Syracuse, New York.

"Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy: An Empowering Therapy and Way of Life".

Lecture by Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis: Department of Psychiatry at Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, New York.

12 noon - 2pm.


Saturday, June 23rd - Tuesday June 26th, 2018: Montreal, Canada.

Annual International Council of Psychologists (ICP) Conference:

Conference Theme "Human Rights, Dignity, and Justice".


Friday, June 8th, 2018: Toronto, Canada.

"Empowerment, Passion and Compassion in Psychotherapy: Using the Wisdom of Adler and Ellis".

Friday, June 8th, 2018: 10.30am - 12 noon.

Presentation and Workshop by Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis at the Annual Conference of the North American Society of Adlerian Psychology (NASAP) which is being held from Thursday June 7th - Sunday June 10th, 2018.

For.information see the NASAP Website:

North American Society of Adlerian Psychology


Thursday April 12th, 2018: Throughout USA, Canada and Across the Globe.

Interview on the Dr Theresa Nicassio Show (Link: Dr. Theresa Nicassio Show)

by host Dr Theresa Nicassio.

Topic: Living with Power and Compassion.

Live Talk Back Radio Show: Thursday April 12th, 2018 - 12 noon EST, 9am PST.

Following the Live Broadcast, the show can be heard through Dr Theresa's Website.

Too many people suffer unnecessary emotional upset and misery when they believe that the events in their lives cause their emotional experiences, and do not realize that they have the power to create their emotional destinies no matter what adversities may befall them.
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) is the pioneering cognitive approach that heralded in the cognitive revolution in psychotherapy.
It was created by the visionary genius, Albert Ellis PhD (named as one of the most influential psychologists of all time), and his wife Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis is continuing their shared mission to help as many people as possible learn how to minimize emotional suffering and maximize joy in their lives.
REBT is an active-directive approach, imbued with compassion, that contains the "How-to's" of living a life of abundant well being, passion, fulfillment and tranquility.
Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis, with joy, humor and no-nonsense manner, will share the main aspects of REBT, share personal anecdotes, talk about her main focus in her work in 2018, and will happily do her best to answer all of the questions of Dr. Theresa Nicassio !


Friday, April 6th, 2018: South Orange, New Jersey.

The Power, Passion and Compassion of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy: The Pioneering Cognitive Appoach.

Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis Presents at Seton Hall University in their Distinguished Speaker series.

11 am - 12.30pm.

For information contact Seton Hall University's Media Department.


Friday March 23rd - Saturday March 24th, 2018: Minneapolis, Minnesota.

The Power and Compassion of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.

2-Day Workshop.

Adler University, Minneapolis Campus.

For Information: Contact Evelyn Haas

Director of Alumni Relations

Adler Institute Coordinator

Adler Graduate School -  Richfield, MN

T: (612) 767-7044

Email: ev@alfredadler.edu


Sunday, March 4th. 2018: Tokyo, Japan.

The Pioneering, Vigorous and Compassionate Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy: The Birth of the Cognitive Revolution and Beyond.

Keynote Address by Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis at the Annual conference of the Japanese Association of Microcounseling (JAMC).

I.30 - 3.00pm.

Sponsored by JAMC in association with the Science Council of Japan and the Ministry of Education.


Friday, February 9th - Saturday, February 10th, 2018: Sacramento, California and Throughout the USA.

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy: 2-Day Certificate Course

Training with Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis.

Live in Sacramento and via Live Video Webcast:

Theory, Practice, Live Demonstrations, The Powerful Relevance of  REBT for 2018 and Beyond !

For information see link:   https://www.vyne.com/Search?keyword=debbie+ellis&keywordSearchType=All

8am - 3.30 pm each day.

Continuing Education Credits Provided.


Friday January 26th - Saturday January 27th, 2018: New York City and Around the USA.

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy: 2-Day Certificate Course

Training with Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis.

Live in New York City and via Live Video Webcast:

Theory, Practice, Live Demonstrations, The Powerful Relevance of  REBT for 2018 and Beyond !

For information see link:   https://www.vyne.com/Search?keyword=debbie+ellis&keywordSearchType=All

8am - 3.30 pm each day.

Continuing Education Credits Provided.


Thursday, January 18th, 2018: New York City.

Living with dignity and well-being - at any stage and age.

Presentation for IA Foundation.

Studio 353, NYC.


Wednesday, January 10th, 2018: New York City, New York.

Using the Empowering and Compassionate Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy to Enhance Your Work Life, Play Life - and Everything In Between !

Presentation by Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis in the "Lunch and Learn" Program.

2 - 3pm.

Location: The Yard. 157 Columbus Avenue, NYC.

For Information contact Michaela Kirkwood:

Ph: (212) 203-7847

Email: lincolnsquare@theyard.com


Wednesday, November 22nd, 2017: Throughout the USA and around the Globe.

L.A. Talk Radio: Interview of Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis by Dr. Foojan Zeine.

"The Power and Compassion of REBT - a Healing Tool for These Times".

Listen Live at 3 pm Eastern Standard Time (12 Noon Pacific Time), Wednesday November 22nd, 2017.

Link:  http://latalkradio.com/content/inner-voice-dr-foojan

The Interview can be listened to any time after that date in the archive at that link.


Saturday, November 18th, 2017: Throughout USA, Canada and Around the World !

"Stoicism and Creativity Roundtable Discussion"

Speakers: Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis, Greg Sadler, Chris Gill,James Taylor, Martin Taylor, Alison Burns

Hosted by Scott Perry

3pm (Eastern time - USA and Canada) 

Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device.

For information about how to join the webinar, contact Scott Perry: TheStoicGuitarist.com



Thursday, November 16th, 2017: New York City, New York.

Choosing the Positive Path: Realistic Optimism and Practical Actions During Challenging Times.

Presentation for IAF.

Studio 353, N.Y.C. for I.A.Foundation.



Tuesday, November 14th. 2017: Philadelphia, PA.

The Power and Compassion of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy: The Theory, Philosophy, Methods - and More!

Temple University, Philadelphia, PA.


Saturday, October 21st, 2017: White Plains, New York.

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy - An Empowering, Compassionate and Pragmatic Approach for School Psychologists, and the People in their Lives !

Three Hour Invited Presentation by Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis at the New York Association of School Psychologists 2017 Annual Conference: 9am - 12pm.

Conference Theme: The Many Hats of the School Psychologist
The Crowne Plaza, White Plains, NY

Conference Dates: Thursday, October 19th – Saturday, October 21st, 2017

For Information contact: President, Andrew Livanis: president@nyasp.org   or 

Conference Coordinator, Britton Schnurr: conference@nyasp.org


Thursday, October 19th, 2017: New York City, New York.

Using the Mind to Lessen Pain and Experience Greater Tranquility.

Studio 353, NYC for I.A. Foundation.
Mind over matter, Intention and will power over complacency.


Thursday, September 14th, 2017: New York City, New York.

"Fresh Starts and New Beginnings Utilizing the Empowering and Compassionate Tools of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy".

Studio 353, NYC for I.A. Foundation.



Thursday, August 17th, 2017: New York City, New York

Applying REBT to the changes and challenges that emerge as the years roll along !

Presentation at Seminar with experts from a variety of fields in Health Care:

Organized by AIF


Studio 345, New York, New York.


Thursday, August 3rd - Sunday, August 6th, 2017: Washington D.C.

Presentations at American Psychological Association's Annual Convention.

1. APA Comedy Jam.

Thursday, August 3rd. 2017: 3-3.50pm

Location: Convention Center, Room 202A.

The APA Comedy Jam is a unique semi regular event created and organized by Dr. Frank Farley, that includes his wit and humor, and contributions from additional presenters.

Debbie Joffe Ellis will be presenting on the humor and Rational Humorous Songs of Albert Ellis PhD.

2. Saint Teresa of Calcutta Revisited.

Friday, August 4th. 2017: 12 noon-1pm.

Location: Division 48 Hospitality Suite.

Presentation by Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis and Dr Stanley Krippner for APA Division 48, Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence.

3. Psychology Myth Busters.

Saturday, August 5th, 2017: 10-11.50am.

Location: Convention Center, Room 151B.

Session in which myths and fictions about REBT are exposed by Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis - and the FACTS are presented.

Other speakers (to be announced) will do the same about facts and fictions in their fields of expertise.

Organized by Division 1: Society for General Psychology.


For information see the APA Convention 2017 Website.


Thursday, July 27th - Sunday, July 30th, 2017: New York City, New York.

Invited Lecture by Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis: Empowering Humans and Society: The Humanistic, Revolutionary and Ground-breaking Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.

International Council of Psychologists Conference, 2017.

Conference Theme: Psychology's Contribution to People, the Planet, and the World
Stimulating forums, symposia, workshops on human rights, international psychology and leadership, and global mental health.

Register at: http://icp2017.cloudaccess.host/

Chair of Conference: Jean Lau Chin, EdD, ABPP
For Information about the time and day of lecture, and the complete conference program:
Website: ceoservices.wix.com/ceoservices
Email: CEOServices@yahoo.com
Phone: 516-206-4626


Thursday, July 13th, 2017: New York City, New York.

The Brilliance of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.

Empire State College, Manhattan Campus.

6.10 - 8.10 pm.

For Information: Jane Silver: jane.silver@esc.edu


Thursday, July 6th, 2017: New York City, Around the U.S.A. & Countries around the World.

1. Podcast Interview:  Meet the Modern Stoics - Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis Interviewed by Scott Perry.

Thursday, July 6th., 2017.

Time: 1.00 - 1.30pm

Where:  Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device:

Click this URL to join. https://zoom.us/s/467697845

Or join by phone: +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll) or +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll)

    Webinar ID: 467 697 845

    International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference?m=OszpxYcBVckmWG9eb61CH1WO_4KJXILK

All are welcome to attend the live broadcast or watch the replay on  FB Page - the Facebook page of Scott Perry

His site, TheStoicGuitarist.comTheStoicGuitarist.com, encourages others to go Stoic to become a Bulletproof Creative and launch a thriving Artist's journey and he hosts Meet the Modern Stoics on the site's FB Page.

2. Podcast Interview of Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis by Tara Marie Segundo on Tara Marie Live !

   Thursday, July 6th., 2017.
    Time: 6 - 8pm.
   For Information see: Facebook.com/TaraMarieLive


Friday, June 16th, 2017: Boca Raton, Florida.

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy - Revisited !

Lynn University, Boca Raton, Florida.


For Information: Contact Dr. Jon Sperry: jsperry@lynn.edu


Thursday, June 8th, 2017: New York City, New York.

Tools for Creating your Own Emotional Destiny.

Presentation by Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis for Manhattan Holistic Chamber of Commerce.

Start time: 6pm.

Information on the event and for purchasing tickets: https://manhattanholisticchamberjune8.eventbrite.com


Friday, June 2nd, 2017: Westchester, New York.

Embracing Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy and Honoring It's Creator: Albert Ellis PhD.

Westchester County Psychological Association: Clinical Division Event.

Clinical Division Keynote Address by Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis.

12 - 2pm.


Saturday, May 20th, 2017: Vancouver, Canada.

Uplifting Heart and Soul, Strengthening Mind and Body, with Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)

Presentation at Annual Conference of North American Society of Adlerian Psychology (NASAP).

Saturday, May 20th, 2017: 9:15 -10:45 am.

For Information see: www.alfredadler.org


Wednesday, May 17th, 2017: Vancouver, Canada.

The Holistic, No-Nonsense, Vigorous and Compassionate Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy: More than an Effective Evidence-Based Approach, Also a Way of Life !

All Day Presentation at Adler University, Vancouver Campus.

For Information, and/or to register, contact Jennifer Lee at 778 989 3956

or email her at




Thursday, May 4th, 2017: Boston, Massachusetts.

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Workshop.

Presented for Mental Health Care Professionals at the Community Services Institute.

For Information contact Frank Sacco: FRANK_SACCO@williamjames.edu


Tuesday, April 4th. 2017: Toms River, New Jersey.

Kean University Distinguished Lecturer Series.

Keynote Address: The Remarkable and Life Transforming Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.

Kean University Ocean County Campus

For Information contact Dr. Janine Shannon.


Saturday, March 25th, 2017: Throughout the U.S.A.

Radio Interview on the Mantz and Mitchell Radio Program.

Radio Station: 1150 AM KKNW

10am Pacific Time, 1pm Eastern Time: Saturday, March 25th, 2017.

Live interview of Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis by Gary Mantz and Suzanne Mitchell,

which may be heard at later dates via the Mantz and Mitchell website: www.mantzandmitchell.com

Topics: REBT, the work focus and mission of Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis, Albert Ellis PhD, and more !


Tuesday, March 21st. 2017: New York City, New York.

The Healing, Steadying and Compassionate Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy: Keeping Calm in Times of Upheaval.

Presentation to Students and Faculty Members of Vives University, Belgium.
Location: Flanders House, New York Times Building, NYC.
2-4 p.m.
For Information contact Sabine Lamont: sabine.lamote@vives.be


Saturday, February 11th, 2017: Boca Raton, Florida.

Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis: Scholar in Residence.

Presenting on Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT): REBT Principles, Practice, Holistic Philosophy of Acceptance and Compassion, Live Demonstrations, Workshops....and more !

Lynn University, Boca Raton, Florida.

All Day - Saturday, February 11th, 2017.

For Information: Contact Dr. Jon Sperry: jsperry@lynn.edu


Thursday, December 8th., 2016: San Diego, California.

The Empowering, Transformational and Compassionate Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.

Short Course presented by Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis at the Milton Erickson Foundation Brief Therapy Conference: Dec 8th - 11th, 2016.

For Information: www.brieftherapyconference.com


Wednesday, November 9th, 2016: New York City, New York.

Lecture: "Everything you wanted to know about REBT!"

Presentation with talk, live demonstration and video.

Location: Milbank Chapel

Teachers College, Columbia University

525 West 120th Street, New York, N.Y. 10027.

6.00 - 7.30pm.

Open to members of the general public, in addition to students and practitioners.

No RSVP required.

Hosted by The Counseling Psychology Program.


Saturday, October 15th, 2016: New York City, New York.

Lecture and Workshop by Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis at International Stoicon Conference.

Lecture : Albert Ellis: A Model of Resiliency, Compassion, and Stoicism in Action.

Workshop: Introduction to REBT as a Healthy and Empowered Way of Life.

Website with Information about this powerful event: Stoicon site.


Thursday, September 22nd, 2016: Throughout the USA.

Albert Ellis's Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy and Alfred Adler's Individual Psychology:

Effective Approaches to Clinical Work and to Life.

Podcast: Thursday September 22nd., 2016.

9pm EST.

For more information: Contact: Korey Watkins   

Email:  Kwatkins2@gmail.com 

For more information about the NASAP TapTalk Series see: www.alfredadler.org


Friday, August 5th. 2016: Denver, Colorado.

The Vigorous, No-Nonsense and Compassionate Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.

Presentation organized by APA Division 1 - The Society for General Psychology.

11am - 12 noon.

Hyatt Hotel Hospitality Suite for Division 1: Check at Hotel's front desk for Suite number.

Celebrating Universal Wisdom and Effective Therapy: Taking Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy and Personal Mythology DreamWork around the World.

Workshop and Discussion at Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association.

Presentation organized by APA Division 52 - International Psychology.


Presenters: Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis and Dr. Stanley Krippner.

Hyatt Hotel, Blue Spruce Suite.


Thursday, August 4th. 2016: Denver, Colorado.

Compassion, Acceptance, Caregiving: The Good, The Bad, The Exhausting and the Controversial !

Symposium: 8.00 - 8.50 am.

Presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association (Held August 4th - August 7th, 2016).

Participants: Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis, Frank Farley PhD, Stanley Krippner PhD, Krishna Kumar PhD.

For information see the APA Website: www.apa.org


Friday, June 3rd. 2016: Boca Raton, Florida.

The Empowering, Compassionate and Pioneering Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.

Lynn University, Boca Raton, Florida.

Lecture, Demonstration and Q & A.

Presentation: 2-4pm.


Saturday, May 14th. 2016: Bloomington, Minnesota.

Loving Kindness, Empathy and No-Nonsense Truth: The Unifying and Healing Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT).

Annual Conference of the North American Society of Adlerian Psychology: May 12th - 15th, 2016.

Workshop by Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis: Saturday, May 14th., 2016, 9.15 - 10.45 am.

C.E. Credits Provided.

For Information contact N.A.S.A.P.:  info@alfredadler.org


Wednesday, May 4th, 2016: New York City, New York.

Controlling Your Emotional Destiny: Despite and Including Life's Challenges.

Presentation for the New York Chapter of the National Association of Professional Women.


Cumming Corporation
275 Madison Avenue (at 40th Street), Suite 800

For Information Contact NAPW: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/controlling-your-emotional-destiny-despite-and-including-lifes-challenges-tickets-24560042749?aff=May2016DrDebbieHerSite

Website: www.napw.com


Monday, April 25th, 2016: New York City, New York.

The Legacy of Albert Ellis PhD.

Lecture and Discussion.

Liberty Salon Discussion Group.

7 - 8.30pm.


Thursday, April 7th, 2016: Mexico City, Mexico.

Emotional Health and Well Being: Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy - An Effective Therapeutic Approach and Way of Life.

Full Day Workshop with Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis.

Third Binational Conference on Addictions Medicine and Counseling: Thursday April 7th - Saturday April 9th. 2016.

Mexico City, Mexico.


Tuesday, March 15th, 2016: New York City, New York.

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy: Philosophy and Techniques for Emotional Well-Being and Meaningful Life.

New York Times Building: Flanders House.



Thursday, March 10th, 2016: New Jersey.

Rowan University Dean's Distinguished Speakers Lecture:

The Vigorous, Empowering and Compassionate Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.

Rowan University, Glassboro, New Jersey.

2-3 pm.

For Information contact: Michele Gallagher - gallaghermh@rowan.edu


Thursday, February 18th., 2016: New York City, New York.

Resilience, Self Empowerment, and Greater Tranquility with the use of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.

In Alternative Medicine Seminar.

Studio 353, Midtown Manhattan.

1.30 - 4pm.


Wednesday, February 10th, 2016: New York and Across U.S.A.

National Association of Professional Women Event for Heart Healthy Month:

A Heart Healthy Workout: Understanding what it Takes to be Healthy Personally and Professionally.

Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis, Panelist, speaking on Alleviating and Preventing Stress, and Related Issues.

12.00 - 1.00pm E.S.T.

For Information:www.NAPW.com


Friday, February 5th., 2016: New York City and Around the Globe.

Discussion on Ethical Behavior: Can it be Taught or Learned, and  the Contribution of Healthy Thinking.

Radio Sirius FM128

Interview with Jonathan Gillian, Former USA Navy Seal and FBI Agent.

10-10.30pm EST.


Thursday, February 4th, 2016: New York City, New York.

Creativity and Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy - Encouraging Creative Juices to Flow !

Lecture and Discussion.

Liberty Salon Discussion Group.



Thursday, January 14th - Sunday, January 17th, 2016: Los Angeles, California.

Healing, Rebooting, and Daring to Hope Again:

Working with Veterans: Preventing, Reducing, and Healing Post Traumatic Stress, Depression and Anxiety.


Wednesday, December 30th, 2015: New York, and Across the USA.

Radio Interview by Jonathan Gilliam on  The David Webb Show.

9-12 EST Sirius Radio XM

On Social Media Slander and On-Line Bullies.


Thursday, November 12th, 2015: New York and across the USA.

Radio Interview on Sirius FM with Jonathan Gilliam on The David Webb Show.

9-11pm EST

Discussion about the importance of understanding facts vs misinterpretation, and more.


Thursday, November 12th, 2015: New York City, New York.

Seminar on Understanding Depression.

For American/Israel Foundation.


Studio 353, Manhattan.


Friday, October 30th, 2015: New York City, New York.

Healthy Thinking, Healthy Feeling, Healthy Living.

Morningside Health Services.



Thursday, October 29th & Friday October 30th, 2015: Australia, U.S.A. and Around the Globe

The Empowering, Vigorous, Transformational and Compassionate Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy

Webinar Keynote Presentation in the Global Mental Health Summit Event

6-7pm New York Time, Thursday October 29th 2015

9-10 am, Australia, Friday October 30th, 2015.

For Information contact: Pedro Gondim of the Mental Health Acadamy - pedro@mentalhealthacadamy.com.au



Monday, October 19th, 2015: San Francisco, California.

Presentation at Argosy University, San Francisco Bay Area: American School of Professional Psychology:

The Vigorous, Compassionate, No-nonsense Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy: The Pioneering and Foundational Cognitive Approach.


For Information contact: Megan O’Banion, Psy.D.

American School of Professional Psychology

Argosy University, San Francisco Bay Area

Clinical Psychology Program

1005 Atlantic Avenue  |  Alameda, California 94501

Tel: (510) 217-4783  |  Fax: (510) 217-4800

mobanion@argosy.edu   |  ASPPSanFrancisco.com


Friday, October 16th, 2015: San Francisco, California.

Live Continuing Education Workshop.
Friday, October 16th, 2015 ~ 10:00am-5:00pm (Total of 6 CE credit hours)
Alliant International University
San Francisco, CA 94133
Instructor: Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis
In this workshop students will learn the history and development, main aspects, holistic nature, techniques, methods, philosophy and application of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT). They will view live demonstrations, and learn the main and pivotal points of REBT therapy sessions.Workshop offering CE credit hours for psychologists, marriage & family therapists, licensed clinical social workers, licensed professional clinical counselors, registered nurses, and education providers.
For information and registration contact: Eric Melendez- Director of Alliant University Continuing Education Department, San Francisco Campus.


Saturday, October 10th, 2015: Around the Globe

Mental Health and Happiness Summit.

Free one day Virtual Seminar organized by the William Glasser Institute.

Leading Experts Sharing Their Knowledge and Points of View.

Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis interviewed for one hour by Dr. Patricia Robey.

Registration Required - for Information: http://www.mentalhealthandhappiness.com/MHHsummit.html


Wednesday 7th - Friday 9th October 2015: Cancun, Mexico

Presentation and workshop at the 23rd Annual Congress of the Mexican Society of Psychology.

1. Keynote Lecture: Thursday, Oct. 8th 2015 at 4pm.

Title: The Vigorous, Effective, Compassionate and Timeless Approach of the Pioneering Cognitive Therapy: Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.

2. Workshop: Friday, Oct. 9th, 2015: 10am - 2pm.

Title: Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy: Empowering and Bold Foundational CBT: A Compassionate Therapy and Way of Life.

For Information see Websites of:

(i) XXIII Congreso Mexicano de Psicologia ... and

(ii) Sociedad Mexicana de Psicología

Nápoles, Del. Benito Juárez México, D.F.

c. p. 03710 Tel/Fax 5563 6162


Friday, September 18th, 2015: Columbia, Kentucky.

Webinar: The Profound Contributions of REBT.

Lindsey Wilson College.

5-6pm EST.


Thursday, September 10th, 2015: Australia, U.S.A. and Around the Globe

Webinar: The Caring and No-Nonsense Therapist: Practicing What One Preaches.
6-7pm New York time -Thursday, 10th September,2015
9-11am Australian time - Friday, 11th September, 2015.
For Information contact: Pedro Gondim of the Mental Health Acadamy - pedro@mentalhealthacadamy.com.au


Monday, August 31st - Thursday September 3rd, 2015: Jerusalem, Israel.

Workshop at the Annual European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies:

  "The Vigorous and Compassionate Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy: The Pioneering CBT."

For Information go to: www.isas.co.il/eabct2015




Tuesday, August 18th, 2015: Australia, U.S.A. and Around the Globe

Webinar: The Unique, Vigorous and Compassionate Approach of REBT: Using the Mind in Healthy Ways.

6-7pm New York time -Tuesday 18th August 2015

9-11am Australian time - Wednesday 19th August, 2015.

For Information contact: Pedro Gondim of the Mental Health Acadamy - pedro@mentalhealthacadamy.com.au



Thursday August 6th - Sunday August 9th, 2015: Toronto, Canada.

American Psychological Association Annual Convention:

Symposium: Impacting Individuals and Society: Applying Psychology in an Era of Uncertainty

This is an age of uncertainty. We live in a troubled world with many people suffering from hopelessness, anxiety and more serious mental disorders. With so much on violence, terrorism, and confrontation seen in our world, and fanaticism and religious intolerance growing, it is time to focus intently upon what psychology has to offer to encourage greater tolerance, emotional, and mental health in our everyday lives, in our own homes, societies, and countries.

Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis worked with her late husband, reknowned pioneer in Psychology, Albert Ellis PhD, in every area of their work: including presenting, training, research, and writing. Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis will talk about the Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) approach of Albert Ellis, about the humanistic principles of REBT, the methods and techniques which may be applied to lessen tensions of the time; embedding them among assertions concerning the domino effect of individuals adopting the REBT approach which can lead to healthier communities, which then lead to healthier societies and ultimately a more sane world.

Dr. Stanley Krippner, Professor at Saybrook University, renowned APA Fellow, pioneer in the field of transpersonal psychology and expert in the fields of dreams and hypnosis, often from a cross-cultural perspective - will in his talk include the importance of addressing, and methods and techniques for attending to PTSD, a concern at this time of ISIS and other forms of violence.

Dr.Krishna Kumar, President of Division 32 (Humanistic Psychology) will be Chair of the session.

Dr Frank Farley, former APA President, will be the Discussant.


Friday, July 24th, 2015: New York City and Around the Globe.

Radio Interview by Jonathan Gilliam, former Navy Seal and CNN contributor: on The David Webb Show.

Sirius Radio XM 125

9-11pm:  Eastern Standard Time.


Tuesday, July 21st, 2015: New York City and Around the Globe !

Radio Interview with Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis: On Gratitude, Living a Stress Free Life, and More !

The Tara Marie Live Show! - American Latino Radio/SiriusXM Channel 154

6-8 pm ET, 3-5 PT

American Latino Radio/SiriusXM Channel 154

Toll Free Call-in Line: (888) 411-7242

Encore show airs from 10 pm to 12 am ET!


Thursday, July 16th, 2015: New York City, New York.

Healthy Mind, Healthy Emotions, Healthier Body: The Contribution of the Holistic Approach of REBT to Greater Well-Being.

Presentation in the "Alternative Medicine Workshop".

1.30pm - 4pm.

Studio 353, NYC.


Wednesday, July 15th, 2015: New York City, New York.

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy: Resilience, Application, Buddhism ...and More !

Lecture and Q & A: 3-4pm.

Morningside Health Services, 100 La Salle St., NYC.

For Information Call : (212) 666-4000


Friday, July 10th, 2015: New York City, NY and Around the Globe

Radio Interview by Jonathan Gilliam, former Navy Seal and CNN contributor: on The David Webb Show, Sirius Radio XM 125, 9-11pm.


Thursday, July 2nd. 2015: New York City, NY, and Around the Globe

Radio Interview by Sean Hannity on The Sean Hannity Show: Sirius XM.

5pm - Eastern Standard Time.


Thursday, June 25th, 2015: New York City - and Around the Globe.

Webinar Training for American Psychological Association's Division 52: Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.

3.30pm - 4.30pm EST.

Presentation to be followed by Q & A.

For Information contact Tanya Ozbey at tanya.ozbey@gmail.com


Friday, June 19th, 2015: New York City and Around the Globe.

Radio Sirius XM: The Sean Hannity Show

In NYC - Radio station: 710WOR


Panel Discussion with Sean Hannity, Jonathan Gilliam - former FBI and Navy Seal and Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis: About the tragic killings in Carolina, and the minds of people who act in evil ways.


Thursday, June 18th, 2015: New York City, New York.

Drawing on Resilience and Healthy Thinking During Difficult Times.

Presentation for AIF.

1.30 - 4pm.

Location: Studio 353.


Sunday, June 14th, 2015: New York City, New York.

Dreams and Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT): An All Day Workshop led by Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis and Dr Stanley Krippner.

Dr Krippner, reknowned professor, author & expert in the fields of dreamwork, sleep and transpersonal psychology, honored Fellow of the APA and additional esteemed organizations, and Dr Joffe Ellis, who have collaborated in teaching workshops in North and South America, and globally via Webinars, and are co-editors of the acclaimed book: Perchance to Dream, will present on the fascinating area of understanding dreams, and how - through applying the tenets of REBT, people can enhance their waking lives through remembering and applying the insights and understandings gained from their dreams.

Date: Sunday, June 14th, 2015.

Location: The Open Center: 22 East 30th St., New York, NY 10016.

For Information Contact: The Open Center, www.opencenter.org

Phone: (212) 219 2527.


Friday June 12th, 2015: New York and Around the Globe.

Radio Interview on Sirius XM Channel 125 by Jonathan Gilliam, former FBI and Navy Seal and regular contributer on CNN, hosting  the David Webb show. 9pm - 11pm.


Thursday, May 28th - Sunday May 31st, 2015: Philadelphia, PA

Presentations at the Annual Conference of North American Society of Adlerian Psychology.

1. Saturday Presentation and Demonstration: May 30th, 2015: 9.15 -10.45am -

"Empowering Oneself and Others With the Ability and Freedom to Create One's Emotional Destiny - Using Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)".

2. Saturday Symposium: Saturday May 30th, 2015: 2.30 -3.45pm

Debbie Joffe Ellis co-presenting with Teal Maedel and Tim Hartshorne on

"Dealing with the Loss of a Loved One: Personal and Professional Perspectives".

For Information contact NASAP:

Email: info@alfredadler.org

Website: wwwalfredadler.org


Friday, May 8th - Saturday, May 9th, 2015: San Francisco, California.

Live Continuing Education Workshop.

May 8-9, 2015 ~ 10:00am-5:00pm, each day (Total of 12 CE credit hours)

Alliant International University
San Francisco, CA 94133

Instructor: Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis

In this workshop students will learn the history and development, main aspects, holistic nature, techniques, methods, philosophy and application of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT). They will view live demonstrations, and learn the main and pivotal points of REBT therapy sessions.Workshop offering CE credit hours for psychologists, marriage & family therapists, licensed clinical social workers, licensed professional clinical counselors, registered nurses, and education providers.

For information and registration: Contact Alliant University Continuing Education Department, San Francisco Campus.


Wednesday, May 6th, 2015: San Francisco, California.

The Holistic Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy: The Basics, Its Uniqueness, Similarities and Differences Between REBT and Buddhism - and More !

Forum Presentation: Hosted by California Institute of Integral Studies.

6 -9 pm.


Tuesday, April 28th, 2015: New York and Around the Globe.

The Compassionate, Vigorous and Empowering Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy: More Than Just a Therapy, Also a Way of Life !

Webinar organized by The Association of Humanistic Counseling.

5-6p.m. Eastern Standard Time.

The recorded video of this live event will be available for viewing after the event.

For Information and Registration Details contact: The Association of Humanistic Counseling:



Tuesday, April 28th, 2015: New York City and Around the Globe.

Radio Interview by Jonathan Gilliam, former Navy Seal and CNN contributor: on The David Webb Show, Sirius Radio XM 125, 9-11pm.


Sunday, April 26th., 2015: New York City, New York.

The Place of Albert Ellis PhD in New York City's World of Psychology.

Presentation by Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis in panel on: The History of Psychology in Manhattan.

The 43rd Annual Hunter College Psychology Convention:

9.30am - 5.30pm, Hunter College, Corner Lexington Avenue and East 68th St., NYC.

For Information go to: www.hunterpsych.com  and click the Convention tab.


Friday, April 17th, 2015: Baltimore, Maryland.

The Empowering, Compassionate and Transforming Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy - Continuing Education Seminar.

Organized by PESI.

Click on link below


For Information, Short Video about this seminar, and Registration Details see www.pesi.com



Wednesday, April 1st, 2015: Live in USA and Around the Globe.

"Interview with Masters" - Television Show via Skype with Dr Foojan Zeine.
Dr. Foojan Zeine Interviews with the Masters in the field of Psychology and other sciences.

Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis will be interviewed from 6-7pm, Pacific Time.

Theme of this show: "Minimizing Emotional Suffering and Maximizing Joy !"

Following the program's airing, the program can be seen on Dr Zeine's Youtube channel.


Tuesday, March 24th, 2015: New York City, New York.

The Empowering and Compassionate Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy: More Than Only a Therapy - Also A Way of Life.

Presentation to Students and Faculty Members of Katho University, Belgium.

Location: Flanders House, New York Times Building, NYC.

2 - 4pm.


Wednesday, March 18th. 2015: New York City, New York.

The Vigorous and Compassionate Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy: More Than An Empowering Therapy, Also a Way of Life !

Hunter College, Park Avenue, NYC.



Friday, March 13th, 2015: New York City and Around the Globe.

Radio Interview by Jonathan Gilliam, former Navy Seal and CNN contributor: on The David Webb Show, Sirius Radio XM 125, 9-11pm.


Friday, January 23rd - Saturday, January 24th., 2015: DeLand, Florida.

Lecture and Continuing Education Workshop: Stetson University, DeLand, Florida.

1. Friday Night Lecture: January 23rd., 2015:
"Experiencing Greater Joy in Life, Despite and Including Life's Challenges".


This presentation will be given by Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis - wife of Albert Ellis PhD and entrusted by him to continue his groundbreaking work. Albert Ellis was the pioneering genius and creator of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT): the original cognitive approach in psychology and counseling which heralded in the cognitive revolution in psychotherapy.
Dr Joffe Ellis will talk about the ability each one of us has to create our emotional destiny, to minimize misery and maximize joy.
Life contains inevitable loss and suffering.Talking about the principles of REBT, Dr. Joffe Ellis will speak about the fact that even in the face of the most dire circumstances we can choose the ways we think, feel and behave. By thinking in healthy ways we prevent or reduce pain, and experience greater tranquility and enriching purpose in our lives. The main aspects of healthy thinking will be shared, along with additional core REBT principles including the importance of applying unconditional acceptance and gratitude to our daily lives. A live demonstration of the approach will be given, a brief video of rarely seen footage of the late great Albert Ellis will be shown, followed by time for Q & A. Attendees will be able to purchase books, and Dr Joffe Ellis will remain present for book signing, meeting and greeting !

This presentation will be suitable for professionals, students and members of the general public.

2. Saturday Continuing Education Workshop: January 24th., 2015:

"The Empowering, Vigorous & Compassionate Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)".


Learning Objectives:
Participants will be able to
1. Describe the main aspects, history and development of REBT
2. Identify specific aspects of REBT not present in other cognitive approaches
3. Understand the pivotal stages of REBT in clinical practice

Recommended Reading:

Ellis, Albert & Ellis, Debbie Joffe (2011): Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy. American Psychological Association Books: Washington, D.C.

For Information: Contact Page L. Thanasiu PhD. Counselor Education, Stetson University: http://stetson.edu/artsci/counselor/

Phone: 386 822 7100.


Thursday, January 15th, 2015: New York and World-Wide.

Television Interview with Jonathan Bredin: Public Voice Salon.
5 - 6pm on the following channels:  Time Warner Cable 34, Verizon 33, and RCN 82.
At this time it can also be seen, worldwide, on the internet at mnn.org

Program repeated Thursday January 22nd, 2015, same times and channels.


Tuesday, December 30th, 2014: New York City, and Around the Globe.

Radio Interview by Jonathan Gilliam, former Navy Seal, and Rick Unger, writer & producer: on The David Webb Show, Sirius Radio XM 125, 9-10pm.

Speaking about the rift between NYC policemen and the Mayor; and about psychological aspects which lead to terrorism in the world


Thursday, December 11th - Monday December 15th, 2014: Orange County, California.

Short Course: "Zapping Anxiety & Depression, and Healing Trauma, with the Vigorous and Compassionate Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy."

Presented at the Milton H. Erickson Foundation's "The New Brief Therapy Conference: Treating Anxiety, Depression & Trauma".

For Information see the Brief Therapy Conference Website: www.brieftherapyconference.com


Wednesday, November 26th, 2014: New York City, NY.

Presentation: TCI College of Technology.

The Empowering, Vigorous and Compassionate Approach of REBT:

Prevention and Cure.



Thursday, November 20th, 2014: New York City, New York.

The Optimistic, Stabilizing and Realistic Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy for the Aging and Aged.

Talk for IAF: Studio 353

1.30pm- 4pm.


Sunday, November 9th, 2014: New York City, New York.

26th Greater New York Conference on Behavioral Research: Theme - Psychology- Scientific Theory and Application.

Marymount Manhattan College - 221 East 71 St., NYC: 12.30-6.30pm.

For information contact:  gnyc2014@gmail.com, or 212-636-6393.

Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis will co-present in a Symposium on Psychology in Manhattan.The speakers will be:
Chair: Henry Solomon, President, Manhattan Psychological Association; Harold Takooshian, Fordham University; Leonard Davidman, President, Local 1189, DC-37,
& President-elect NYS Psychological Assn; Debbie Joffe Ellis, author, presenter and REBT therapist; Sally Capanzano, Fordham University; Discussant: Sheila J. Henderson, Alliant International University.

Following presentations, there will be a Gala reception which includes a conversation hour with distinguished Guests of Honor:

Jean Lau Chin, Adelphi U, & Incoming President, APA International Division

Debbie Joffe Ellis, Author and REBT Therapist, Global Presenter

Linda Zener Solomon, Co-Chair, Psychology Dept., Marymount Manhattan College

Henry Solomon, Marymount Manhattan, & President, Manhattan Psychological Association.


Wednesday, November 5th, 2014: New York, and Throughout USA

Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis Interviewed on American Latino Radio, Channel 154 on Sirius XM

Radio Program: Tara Marie Live !

6-8pm EST; 3-5pm PST


Saturday, November 1st, 2014: New York and Around the Globe - Webinar !

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Webinar co-presented with Dr Stanley Krippner, reknowned writer and presenter on PTSD issues.

1-3pm Eastern Standard Time.

Organized by the Open Center, NYC as part of the Certificate in Holistic Psychology.

This Webinar is of particular interest to psychologists, counselors, therapists, social workers, coaches and consultants.

For information see the Open Center website: www.opencenter.org

or call (212) 219 2527


Wednesday, October 29th, 2014: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

The Empowering, Compassionate and Vigorous Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.

    Presentation at Temple University, Philadelphia, PA.

    Hosted by Professor Frank Farley PhD.



Thursday, August 7th, 2014 - Sunday, August 10th, 2014: Washington DC, USA.

American Psychological Association 122nd Annual Convention:

Symposium: "Spirituality and Psychotherapy".

Speaking on topic of '"Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy and Buddhism - Commonalities and Differences."

Fellow Symposium Presenters are:

Dr Krishna Kumar speaking on: " The Sufi Way - Beyond Everyday Therapy."

Dr Danny Wedding speaking on: "Can Someone Simultaneously Be a Unitarian, a Humanist, and a Buddhist?"

Symposium Chair: Frank Farley, PhD, Past APA President.

Discussant: Dr Stanley Krippner.

For Information See APA Website: www.apa.org


Friday, June 20th, 2014: New York City, New York.

Friday Evening Workshop: Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy - Maximizing Joy and Minimizing Misery in Life.

Lecture, Live Demonstration ... and More !

At The Open Center, New York City.

For Information and Registration contact:


Phone: 212 219 2527

Suitable for members of the general public, therapists, health care professionals, teachers and others in the education field.


Thursday May 22nd - Sunday May 25th, 2014: Chicago, Illinois.

Presentations at the Annual Conference of the North American Society of Adlerian Psychology:

1. Positively Effective; Positively Empowering: Positively "Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy" of Albert Ellis PhD - with appreciation for Dr Alfred Adler !

2. Coping Healthily with Grief: Session co-presented with Teal Maedel.

For Information about the conference and registration :   www.AlfredAdler.org

Email Contact: info@alfredadler.org


Friday, May 9th, 2014: Sydney, Australia.

1. Australian Psychological Society Breakfast Presentation: "Historical Background of the Work of Albert Ellis PhD, and Current Applications of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy".

Moore Park, Sydney.


2. Workshop for Psychologists and School Counsellors: "Developing Healthy Attitudes for Members of the School Community: The Effective and Wholistic Approach of Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy".

Moore Park, Sydney.

9.30am - 3pm.

For Information Contact: Dr Rose Cantali Email - rcantali@yahoo.com.au


Wednesday, 7th May, 2014: Sydney, Australia.

Public Address at Sydney's Parliament House on: "Coping With Adversity: Maximizing Joy In Life, Despite And Including Its Challenges".

6 pm - 8.30pm.

For information and details contact: Dr Rose Cantali: Email - rcantali@yahoo.com.au


Thursday, May 1st, 2014: Melbourne, Australia.

The Empowering Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Workshop

The Cairnmillar Institute, Camberwell.



Monday, April 28th, 2014: Melbourne, Australia

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy: Theory and Practice.

Orygen Centre - Melbourne University, Parkville.



Sunday, April 27th, 2014: Mount Eliza, Victoria, Australia

Presentation: "Shiva Symposium" at the Shiva School of Yoga and Meditation.

"Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy and Spirituality: Commonalities: Using the Mind, Heart, Compassion and Kindness".

Hosted by Swami Shankarananda and Devi Ma.

11am - 12.30pm.


Thursday, March 27th - Sunday March 30th, 2014: Honolulu, Hawaii.

Living Legends in Counseling: Personal Development and Professional Wisdom.

Session at American Counseling Association Annual Conference: Saturday, March 29th, 2-3.30 pm.

For information about the conference and registration go to ACA Website: www.counseling.org/conference

Description of session from Conference Program:

Saturday, March 29
2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Program ID #248, Room 313C
Living Legends in Counseling: Personal Development and Professional Wisdom
90-Minute Session
Jon Carlson, Jeffrey A. Kottler, Mark Pope, Howard Kirschenbaum, Gerald Corey, Debbie Joffe Ellis, Robert E. Wubbolding, Marcheta Evans
Join an intimate, revealing, honest, and provocative discussion with many of the “legends” in the profession, including prominent authors, theoreticians, and practitioners, who “walk their talk,” practicing in their personal lives what they teach to others. Issues will be explored related to critical incidents, challenges, frustrations, joys, and sources of pride, throughout long and distinguished careers. With this group sharing time together, expect the unexpected! - See more at: http://www.counseling.org/conference/hawaii-aca-2014/conf-programs/education-sessions/counseling-theory#sthash.8s0OQdB2.dpuf


Monday, March 17th, 2014: International Release.

Release of DVD - Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy - Part of the Systems of Psychotherapy Video Series by the American Psychological Association.

In this DVD, Debbie Joffe Ellis demonstrates the influential and impactful REBT approach in a session with a client, followed by discussion with professors and students about the REBT therapeutic approach and the session.

Running Time: Over 100 minutes.

This video is intended solely for educational purposes for mental health professionals.

For information about the DVD and about purchasing go to the APA website:



Thursday, March 13th, 2014: New York City, NY.

Colloquium at Columbia University TC: The Empowering, Compassionate & Vigorous Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy: Dispelling Myths and Presenting Facts, Theory, Methods - and More !

Hosted by Prof. Lisa Miller

In Clinical Program Colloquium room: Horace Mann 431.

11am - 12.30pm.


Saturday, March 8th, 2014: New York - and around the Globe - Webinar !

The Vigorous and Empowering Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy: Minimizing Emotional Distress & Maximizing Joy in Life.

Webinar organized by The Open Center, New York.

1-3pm , Eastern Standard Time.

For Information and Registration contact:


Phone: 212 219 2527

Suitable for members of the general public, therapists, health care professionals, teachers and others in the education field.


Friday, February 21st - Saturday, February 22nd, 2014: Puebla, Mexico.

Keynote presentation on "Healing the Mind and Heart with Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy":

Conciousness Conference (Congreso Consciencia) - which includes fellow-keynoters Dr Stanley Krippner, Dr Bernie Siegel, Dr Eben Alexander and additional remarkable presenters and researchers.

For Information and Registration:  www.consciencia.com.mx


Saturday, February 15th, 2014: Manipal, India.

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy in Clinical Practice: The Theory, Philosophy and Application.

Invited Lecture at Kasturba Medical College, Manipal.

2 - 3.30pm.

For Information contact Jini Gopingath at jinikgopinath@gmail.com

and www.manipal.edu


Friday, February 7th - Thursday, February 13th, 2014: Bangalore, India.

3-Day Workshops on the Empowering Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT):

1. Friday, February 7th to Sunday February 9th, 2014.

2. Tuesday, February 11th to Thursday February 13th, 2014.

Various topics including Theory, History & Development of REBT, Methods and Techniques will be presented; Demonstrations given; and attendees will be given exercises to do in groups and individually.

For Information see:  www.mindmattersindia.com

Contact: Jini K Gopinath - contact@mindmattersindia.com or jinikgopinath@gmail.com


Thursday, November 21st, 2013: New York City, N.Y.

Understanding, Preventing, and Removing Fears and Depression: Creating Healthy Thinking and Emotions.

Presentation for AIF at Studio 353.



Wednesday, October 16th, 2013. Philadelphia, PA.

The Empowering Contributions, Theory & Methods of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, and the Remarkable Life of Albert Ellis PhD.

Presentation at Temple University, Philadelphia, PA.

Hosted by Professor Frank Farley PhD.


Wednesday, September 25th, 2013: New York City, New York.

Major Celebratory Centennial Tribute to Albert Ellis PhD and His Impact in Psychology. 


To be held at Columbia University Teachers College who, in celebrating their 125th Anniversary, are hosting and organizing this event: highlighting Albert Ellis PhD (27th Sept,1913 - July 24th,2007) as one of their most brilliant and luminous graduates. By the time of his passing he was considered by many to have had more impact in the fields of psychology and therapy than Freud. This evening celebration includes speakers Provost Tom James, Clinical and Counseling faculty including Lisa Miller PhD, and the wife of Ellis - Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis; video of Ellis; musical entertainment comprising songs with lyrics written by Ellis; and a "Birthday" reception !

Location: Columbia University Teachers College, Milbank Chapel. 525 West 120th St., NY, NY 10027. Ph: 212 678 3000.




Wednesday, August 14th - Tuesday, August 20th, 2013: Sarawak, Malaysia.

3rd Asia Pacific Rim International Counseling & Psychotherapy Conference 2013.

Sarawak, Malaysia.

Wednesday, August 14th - Tuesday, August 20th, 2013.

Pre-Conference Workshop: Wednesday, August 14th, 2013.

Conference: Thursday, August 15th - Sunday, August 18th, 2013.

Post-Conference Training Workshop: Monday &Tuesday - August 19th/20th, 2013.

1. " The Powerful and Vigorous Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy".

Pre-Conference Workshop, Wednesday, August 14th, 2013.

2. " Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy In Action".

Conference Presentation.

3. "Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) 2-Day Training".

Post-Conference Training Workshop: Monday &Tuesday - August 19th/20th, 2013.


Celebrating the Centennial Anniversary of the Birth of Albert Ellis PhD.


Wednesday, July 31st - Sunday, August 4th, 2013: Honolulu, Hawaii.

American Psychological Association's 121st Annual Convention; Honolulu, Hawaii.

Wednesday, July 31st - Sunday, August 4th, 2013.

1. Awarding of a Posthumous APA Award to Albert Ellis PhD for Outstanding Lifetime Contributions To Psychology at the Opening Session of the Convention.

Thursday, August 1st, 2013, 12 noon to 2pm, in the Ballroom of the Hawaii Convention Center.

Dr Donald Bersoff, 2013 President of the APA, will present the award during a tribute to Dr. Ellis celebrating the 100th anniversary of the year of his birth.

Past recipients of this most prestigious award have included Drs. Albert Bandura, B.F. Skinner, Kenneth B. Clark, Herb Simon, Daniel Kahneman and other distinguished psychologists.

Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis will accept the award on behalf of her late husband, and give a brief acceptance talk.

2. "Honoring Albert Ellis In This Centennial Year Of His Birth".

Symposium Participants and Titles of their Presentations:-

* Jon Carlson, PsyD, EdD: "Honoring Albert Ellis"

* Danny Wedding, PhD: "Honoring Albert Ellis"

* Stanley Krippner, PhD: "Albert Ellis: Humanist & Activist"

* Frank Farley, PhD & past APA President: "Albert Ellis: Friend, Icon, Risk-Taker, World-Changer, Forever Engraved on Psychology's Mt. Rushmore"

* Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis: " Albert Ellis: Mentor, Model and Beloved Partner".

* Chair of session: Nancy L. Murdock PhD.

For Information go to APA Website: www.apa.org


Thursday June 20th - Sunday 23rd, 2013: San Diego, California.

Presentations at the Annual Conference of the North American Society for Adlerian Psychology (NASAP)

Thursday, June 20th - Sunday, June 23rd, 2103.

Mission Valley, San Diego, California.

1. "The Albert Ellis Centennial Session: The Gift To Us From This Master Therapist Who Healed Himself".

2. "Dealing With The Loss of a Loved One: Personal and Professional Perspectives"- presented by Teal Maedel and Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis.

Continuing Education Credits provided.

For Information: www.AlfredAdler.org

Celebrating the Centennial Anniversary of the Birth of Albert Ellis PhD.


Friday, April 5th, 2013. Los Angeles, California.

"The Outstanding Contributions of Albert Ellis PhD and his Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy: to Psychology, to Health and Well-Being, and for Living with Greater Joy".

Friday, April 5th, 2013.

12 - 2 p.m.

Alliant University: Los Angeles Campus.

1000 S. Fremont St., Alhambra, California.

Lecture, Demonstration, Video and Q & A.


Celebrating the Centennial Anniversary of the Birth of Albert Ellis PhD.


Tuesday, March 19th, 2013 - New York, NY.

"The Brilliance of Albert Ellis PhD and his Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Approach"

Lecture, Demonstration and Discussion.

Tuesday, March 19th, 2013: 7pm - 9pm

Fordham University at Lincoln Center.

113 W60th Street, New York, NY. 10023.

For information contact Joseph Giardino: josephgiardino@gmail.com

Celebrating the Centennial Anniversary of the Birth of Albert Ellis PhD.


Tuesday, March 19th, 2013 - New York, NY.

"Learning and Applying Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy for Well-being, Emotional Health and Greater Joy in Life".

Presentation to visiting students and faculty of Katho University, Belgium.

Tuesday, March 19th, 2013: 2.30pm - 4.30pm.

Location: Flanders House: New York Times Building.

                  44th Floor, 620 8th Avenue., New York, NY.10018.


Thursday, March 7th., 2013. New York City, N.Y.

" The Transforming Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy and Honoring Albert Ellis PhD: Revolutionary Pioneer in Psychology".

Presentation and Demonstration at Pace University.

New York City Campus: One Pace Plaza, New York, NY. 10038.

3.30pm - 5.30pm.

Celebrating the Centennial Anniversary of the Birth of Albert Ellis PhD.


Sunday, March 3rd. 2013. New York City, N.Y.

"Honoring Revolutionary Genius Albert Ellis PhD - Pioneer in Psychology: in his Centennial Year."

Symposium with tribute panel: Stanley Krippner PhD (Saybrook University), Frank Farley PhD (Temple University, former APA President), Nando Pelusi PhD (Indept Practice and Psychology Today), and Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis.

Eastern Psychological Association Annual Conference,

Sunday March 3rd, 2013.


Marriot Marquis Hotel, Times Square, NYC.


Tuesday, February 12th, 2013. New York, N.Y.

" The Vigorous, Empowering and Holistic Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy".

6 pm - 8pm.

Lecture and demonstration at Marymount Manhattan College.

Regina Peruggi Room (2nd Floor).

221 East 71st Street, NYC.

Hosted by the Psychology Club and the Division of Sciences.

Celebrating the Centennial Anniversary of the Birth of Albert Ellis PhD.


Wednesday December 5th – Sunday December 9th, 2012: San Francisco, California.

Presenting short course at the Milton Erickson Foundation Brief Therapy Conference titled:

“The Brief, Lasting and Vigorous Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy”.

For information contact the Milton Erickson Foundation at www.erickson-foundation.org


Thursday, November 15th, 2012 - New York, New York.

"Old Age Is Not For Sissies !"

Presentation in AIF Seminar.

"Studio 353" 353 W49th., St. NYC.



Thursday Nov. 8th – Sun Nov. 11th 2012. Tampa, Florida.

Quad S Annual and 55th Anniversary Conference.

1. CE Session titled: “Plugging In and Freeing Up With Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy In Our Age of Technology!”

For information contact the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality at thesociety@sexscience.org

2. Tribute to Remarkable Quad S Founder: Albert Ellis PhD.


Sunday, October 21st, 2012 - New York, N.Y.

Conference on Behavioral Research: Fordham University - 113 W60th St., NYC.

Theme: Promoting social justice around the world.

Chairing session on Health & Behavior - 3.25pm - 4.30pm.


Thursday, October 18th, 2012. New York, N.Y.

Workshop: ''Establishing Meaningful Relationships.''

Studio 353, 353 W48th St. NYC. (Between 8th & 9th Aves).

1.30pm - 4pm.



Wednesday October 10th – Saturday October 13th, 2012. Medellin, Colombia.

Presentations at the Latin American Annual Congress:

1. Seminar: Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy: Improving Your Life and the Lives of Your Clients.

2. Discussant for Presentation by Dr Stanley Krippner.

For information contact:  www.clases2012.com


Thursday, August 2nd - Sunday August 5th. 2012: Orlando, Florida - 120th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association.

Presentations at the 120th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association:

1. Skill Building Session titled: "Vigorous Therapy in Action ! - Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy in the Tradition of Albert Ellis".

Thursday, 8/2/2012. 9 am. - 10.50 am. Room W109B, Convention Center.

2. Symposium  titled: " Humanizing Psychotherapies: Eastern and Western Philosophies": Presenting with Stanley Krippner PhD. and K. V. Kumar PhD. Chair of Symposium: Frank Farley PhD.

Sunday, 8/5/2012. 9 am. - 9.50 am. Room W104A, Convention Center.

For information refer to the American Psychological Association Website: www.apa.org/convention


Thursday, July 12th, 2012. New York - and Throughout USA.

Radio interview about Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy on "Tara Marie Live" Radio Show.

From 2-3pm, EST.


Friday, June 8th, 2012, Atlanta, Georgia.

Presentations at the Annual Conference of the North American Society of Adlerian Psychology (NASAP).

1. Workshop: "The Humanism of the Great "A's" - Alfred Adler and Albert Ellis". 3 pm.

2. Presentation with Daniel Eckstein, PhD. - "Utilizing Metaphors in Couples Counseling". 8am.

For information contact NASAP at info@alfredadler.org


Monday, April 30th, 2012: Whyalla, South Australia.

Opening of   The Albert Ellis Professional Learning Centre  at Stuart High School.

To be followed by workshops and presentations throughout the day, with additional workshops and presentations on Tuesday, May 1st, 2012: for regional leaders and managers, health care professionals, school teachers and support staff, students, and parents.

For further information: Contact Giulio Bortolozzo at giulio.bortolozzo@stuarths.sa.edu.au       Phone: (08) 8649 1022


March 20th, 2012 - New York, New York

Session on The Uniqueness of Dr Albert Ellis and REBT, with Psychology students from Katho University, Belgium.

2.30pm - 4pm.


Tuesday, March 13th, 2012 - Somerset, Kentucky.

Keynote Address:" From Practice to Theory to Practice" at the 2012 Kentucky Mental Health Counselors Association Annual Conference, Somerset, KY.

For Information contact Freda Tiller by emailing:  freda.tiller@ssa.gov


Thursday November 17th, 2011. New York, New York.

" Becoming Happier !"

Workshop for A.I. Foundation

Held at "Studio 353" - 353 West 48th Street, New York, NY.  1pm - 4pm.


Sunday, November 6th, 2011 - Houston, Texas

Presentation at Quad S Annual Conference

Time: 9.00 - 10.30am

Integrating Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Into One's Life and Practice: For Harmony and Healing.

A Continuing Education Presentation.


Thursday October 27th, 2011 - Melbourne, Australia

Presenting at GlenEira City Council for Women's Business Network, on:
Enough Already ! Getting More of What You Want Out of Your Life by Becoming More Assertive.


Thursday August 04, 2011 - Washington DC

August 4-7, 2011 - At the 2011 Annual American Psychological Association Convention

1. Presenting Invited Address: Division 12: Society of Clinical Psychology: Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy and More: Unique,Pioneering and Remarkable Contributions of Dr Albert Ellis

2. Presenting in Symposium on Albert Ellis and the Media

with Discussant: Dr Frank Farley, Chaired by Dr Krishna Kumar

Information: www.apa.org or phone 1 800 374 2721


Sunday, June 12th, 2011 - New York, New York.

Presenting on the Uniqueness of Albert Ellis and REBT at the Eleutheria Salon.


Saturday May 14, 2011 - Victoria, BC Canada

At the 59th Annual Conference of the North American Society of Adlerian Psychology 9.15am - 11.15am workshop: Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy: Nourishing the Individual and the Community Information: info@alfredadler.org


Monday May 09, 2011 - Vancouver, Canada

At the Adler School, Vancouver Workshop on Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Information: Teal Maedel: Tmaedel@telus.net and Deb Bailey: DBailey@adler.edu


Monday, March 28th, 2011 - New York, New York

Presentation on The Powerful Approach of REBT

for students, professors and guests from Katho University, Belgium.

Location: Flanders House, New York Times Building, 620 8th Ave., New York, NY.

Time: 11am - 1pm.


Friday March 04, 2011 - New York, NY

At the Annual Meeting of the American Group Therapy Association Presenting on: Using Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy in Groups Information: AGPA office: www.agpa.org or 877 668 2472(toll free) or 212 477 2677


Thursday February 03, 2011 - Adelaide, Australia

Workshop for TEC leadership Group - The Empowering Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy: Making It Work for You and Others Information: Dr Adrian Geering: geering@adriangeering.com.au


Thursday November 18, 2010 - New York, New York

TCI College of Technology – Human Services Workshop Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy – From the Source Information: Dr Michael Meir: mmeir@tcicollege.edu


New York and National Broadcast Radio Interview with Tara Marie Segundo on Tara Marie Live!

Thursday, November 11, 2010 - New York and National Broadcast Radio Interview with Tara Marie Segundo on Tara Marie Live! 2-3pm EST, Program on Conquering Addiction. http;//www.healthylife.net/RadioShow/archiveTM.htm


Thursday November 11, 2010 - New York

New York and National Broadcast Radio Interview with Tara Marie Segundo on Tara Marie Live! 2-3pm EST, Program on Conquering Addiction. http;//www.healthylife.net/RadioShow/archiveTM.htm


Thursday November 04 - November 7, 2010 - Las Vegas, Nevada

November 4th - 7th - at the Annual Meeting of Quad S.
Las Vegas, Nevada
Workshop on Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.
Information: www.sexscience.org


Monday October 04, 2010 - Melbourne Australia

Australian Book Launch of: “All Out! An Autobiography” At: Readings – Lygon St., Carlton - 6.30pm.


Adelaide: Friday Sept. 24, 2010

Workshop, 9.30am – 5.30pm, for educators, counselors and health practitioners Debbie Joffe Ellis and Giulio Bortolozzo, at Hindmarsh Education Development Center. For information contact Giulio, at borto1@chariot.net.au


Thursday September 16, 2010 - Australia September 2010 Australia

September 2010 Melbourne, Australia: Thursday Sept. 16th, Presentation to Women’s Business Network, Glen Eira City Council on: Coping with Adversity: Suffering Less, Being Happy More For information contact Lynda Bredin on 03 9524 3384, lbredin@gleneira.vic.gov.au or 03 9524 3333


Thursday August 12, 2010 - San Diego, California Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association August 12 - 15th

  1. Symposium on Friday Aug. 13th – Division 32 – APA Society for Humanistic Psychology, on Albert Ellis As a Humanitarian. 5-5.50pm, Room 24C, San Diego Convention Center
  2. Presentation on Saturday, Aug. 14th – Division 52 – APA Society for International Psychology, on The Work of Albert Ellis. 3-4pm. Division 52 Hospitality Suite, Marriot Hotel.


Friday July 30, 2010 - New York


Time: 5-9pm.
Celebration of publication of “Perchance to Dream: The Frontiers of Dream Psychology”,Edited by Stanley Krippner and Debbie Joffe Ellis, and dedicated to Albert Ellis. For information contact Mike Bova – mik.bova@gmail.com, or 609-784-2015



Sunday July 18, 2010 - New York

10pm - Radio interview with Dr Stuart Fischer on WOR Radio


Tuesday June 29, 2010 - New York

Talking at the ICIS Salon ( International Center for Integrative Studies ) Topic: Coping Well with Adversities: The Remarkable Life of Albert Ellis and the Application of His Wisdom to Our Own Lives


Thursday June 17, 2010 - New York

Presenting on Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy at the IAF Alternative Medicine Seminar.


Friday June 11, 2010 - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota

At the 58th Annual Conference of the North American Society of Adlerian Psychology (NASAP), June 10-13th
3 - 5 pm Presentation: Dear Adlerians - Add Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy to Your Lives!


Speaking at the Eleutheria Salon on: Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, and the Life of Albert Ellis


Tuesday April 20, 2010 - Melbourne, Australia

Monday - Wednesday, April 20-22
Presentations for The Executive Connection on The Empowering Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy - Making It Work For You and Others.
Information: Chairman, TEC, Brian Birley: Email: admin@pacecorp.net


Friday April 16, 2010 - Adelaide, South Australia

Workshop for Teachers - REBT and Rational Emotive Behavior Education.
Information: Co-Presenter Guilio Bortolozzo -
Email: borto1@chariot.net.au


Monday April 12, 2010 - Melbourne, Australia

Address to Rotary Club of Toorak.


March 19th to Sunday March 21, 2010 - Puebla, Mexico

March 19th to Sunday March 21st
Workshops on Perfectionism and REBT


November, 2009 - REBT Workshop at Annual meeting of Quad S


October, 2009 - Presentations in Melbourne, Australia


Saturday, August 8, 2009 - American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Toronto, Canada

11:00 - 11:50am - Invited address: "The Appeal of Albert Ellis...Why the Media and Millions of Admirers Couldn't Get Enough of Him". C.E Credits Metro Toronto Convention Centre, North Building Level 200, Meeting Room 205D

12:00 - 1:50pm - Discussant at Symposium: "Neurobiology of Extra Ordinary Experiences" Metro Toronto Convention Centre, South Building Level 700, Meeting Room 717A
For Information see www.apa.org


Thursday, June 25th, 2009 - Tucson Arizona

1 - 5pm: Workshop at North American Society of Adlerian Psychology Annual Conference. For Information see www.alfredadler.org


Friday, May 29th to Sunday, May 31st, 2009 - Rowe, Massachusetts

REBT Workshop. For Information see www.rowecenter.org and click on calendar and schedule of events.


Thursday, May 14, 2009 - Kortrijk, Belgium - Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Symposium

10.15am - 12pm: Keynote Address by Dr Debbie Joffe Ellis;
2:00 - 4:00pm: REBT Workshop. For Information contact Dr Hilde Van Rossen - hilde.vanrossen@katho.be